Ashok Khosla (India)
- Ashok Khosla - Wikipedia239542
- Development Alternatives Group - Wikipedia239550
- Sustainability pioneer Ashok Khosla to chair hydropower sustainability council - Hydro Power 08.01.21239543
- Video: Chairman of Development Alternatives & Founder of TARAlife, Ashok Khosla - Development Alternatives 16.07.18239547
- Video: Dr Ashok Khosla on how going green brings people out of poverty - Climate Reality Project 15.02.17239549
- ICTs, the internet and sustainability: An interview with Ashok Khosla - IISD 10/12239544
- Indian environmental trailblazer gets top WWF honours - WWF 09.12.11239546
- Dr. Ashok Khosla (India) - Sasakawa Environment Prize Winner 200256909
- Technology and environment : Role of “independent sector” in sustainable development - SAGE 01.07.89239548