Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield (USA)
- @BenandJerrys232985
- Facebook - BenandJerrysUS232987
- Ben & Jerry's Foundation - supporting grassroots activism and community organising for social justice11820
- Ben and Jerry's Double Dip: Lead With Your Values and Make Money, Too (amazon)11821
- Business with a Soul: A Reexamination of what Counts in Business Ethics (Hamline Journal 1998)11822
- Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream11823
- Ben Jerry's Library - Ice Cream11824
- Save Ben & Jerry's - Wikipedia11835
- What’s the Deal with the First 100 Days, and Why Does it Matter? 1/21232986
- Ben's Big Flop: Community Products Inc. 9/9811830
- Ben & Jerry sold to Unilever for $ 326 million in 200011834
- Sensible Priorities (Archive) - child education11819
- TrueMajority (Archive)11818