Charlie Chaplin (USA)
- Charlie Chaplin Filmography - Wikipedia12172
- Filmography of Charlie Chaplin12173
- Modern Times (1936)12174
- Modern Times (1936) - YouTube12175
- Some Working Class Films12176
- Gandhi's Human Touch12177
- Comedy and Charlie Chaplin12178
- Title: "Modern Times" - Topics: Cinema; U.S./1929 - 194112179
- The Musical World of Rocky Horror - Little Tramp12180
- A message for all humanity (The Great Dictator)12181
- Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator (final scene: 9 min) - YouTube12182
- Charlie Chaplin - The Great Dictator (final scene: 5 min) - YouTube12183
- The Great Dictator w Charlie Chaplin - Full Film (2 hours 5 mins) - YouTube12184
- The Great Dictator (1940) - Wikipedia12185