Events in 2018
- If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes...55611
- USA : Tell the Feds: End Draft Registration55614
- Crowdfunding campaign for the Spanish language handbook “We organise for social change”55616
- NON A LA GUERRE ! IL EST TEMPS DE FAIRE OBJECTION DE CONSCIENCE ! Appel des objecteurs-trices de conscience de Turquie et de Kurdistan vivant en Europe, à tous les peuples.55620
- 2018 The 2nd PACIFIC CLIMATE CHANGE Conference - Te Papa National Museum, Wellington - New Zealand - 21-23 Feb139345
- Basic Income: Neither Left nor Right? Join us in Göteborg, Sweden - 23-25 March 2018!139362
- Catonsville 9 - 50th-anniversary-commemoration - Catoncville, USA - 4-21 May55622
- Exhibition : CATONSVILLE NINE EXHIBITION - Catonsville 9, USA - until May 2455637
- Data Justice 2018 international conference - Cardiff, Britain - 21-22 May55628
- International Conference on NEGATIVE CO2 EMISSIONS - Sweden - 22-24 May 55629
- International Women’s Seoul Peace Symposium and DMZ Walk - Republic of Korea - May 23–27, 2018,55631
- EIJC18 & Dataharvest - Mechelen, Belgium - 24-27 May55634
- United Beyond Gas - voices of resistance from Latin America and Europe Speakers-and-Training-Tour in Spain, France, Switzerland and Italy - 24 May to 3 June55636
- The international conference “Emancipation” - Berlin, Germany - May 25-2755638
- Spain : El ano de la noviolencia : Encuento Mujer y nonviolencia - 26 May55642
- Second Food Autonomy Festival : “Grassroots alternatives for a fossil free food system” - Bajesdorp in Amsterdam, NL - 26 May 55643
- The DATA JOURNALISM Awards 2018 - Lisbon, Portugal - 31 May55649
- European Youth event - Strasbourg, France - 1-2 June55655
- The North American Anarchist Studies Network Conference 2018 - Tiohtià:ke (“Montreal, Canada”) - June 1, 2, 3 55657
- Vote for your favorite transformative city- We will announce the 2018 People's Choice Award on 6 June 2018 55658
- USA : Tomorrow’s Peacebuilders Awards - Applications will be accepted from 24 April 2018 until 12 June 55672
- Tax Justice Network annual meeting : PARADISE LOST? DESIGUALDAD E INJUSTICIA FISCAL - INEQUALITY AND TAX INJUSTICE - Lima, Peru - 13-14 June55673
- EXPLORING CLASS - A TRAINING OF TRAINERS WORKSHOP - Gloucestershire - 14-17 June55675
- Une Journee contre la poubelle nucleaire - Bar-le-Duc, France - 16 June55679
- PeaceJam Monaco Youth Conference with Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams - Monaco - 16-17 June55682
- The Living Village Festival 2018 - Dalfsen, The NetHerLands - 18-25 June 55684
- Life, Liberty & Health Justice for All! - March Against Monsanto - New York, USA - 19. June55685
- We make the City Festival - Amsterdam, Netherlands - 20-24 June55687
- Join the worldwide celebration of music on June 21 !55688
- Everyday Resistance of Kurds And Palestinians: Countering Domination via Nonviolent Means - Coventry University, Britain - 23 June55692
- Symposium III : Planetary Utopias – Hope, Desire, Imaginaries in a Post-Colonial World - Berlin, Germany - 23-24 June55693
- Protecting Mother Earth (PME) conference 2018 is being held in the Nisqually Nation territory, near Olympia, Washington, USA - 28 June to 1 July55697
- Power Shift 2018 A five day training open to all students who want to shift power from big business and elites to people who believe that another world is possible - Manches…55698
- Ekotopia Bike Tour 2018 - Ecotopia Biketour 2018 will happen some time in July, August and possibly September -in southern France, northern Spain and Portugal - Summertime55700
- 6th Global Conference on Genocide - Medical Faculty of Aix-Marseille University (France), 4-7 July 2018 55702
- International Summer School Critical Theory 2018. Re-Thinking Ideology - July 15th-20th 2018 - Berlin, Germany55706
- Utopie-congress. Anticapitalistic social models represent / elaborat - Berlin, Germany - 23-29 July55708
- PEACE NEWS SUMMER CAMP - Britain - xx July55709
- “Alternative Economic and Monetary Systems” Summer School, BOKU University Vienna, Austria - July 25 – August 10, 201855710
- NETROOTS NATION - New Orleans, August 2-455712
- Edinburgh International Festival - Aug 3-2755715
- INTERNATIONAL ANTI-NUCLEAR SUMMER CAMP 2018 - Camp d’été International Antinucléaire - near Narbonne, France - 6-12 Aug 55716
- Université d’été solidaire, citoyenne, et rebelle - Grenoble - 22-26 août 201855724
- 18th BIEN Congress 2018 : “Basic Income and the New Universalism: Rethinking the Welfare State in the 21st Century” – at the University of Tampere, Finland - August 24-2555726
- MAD 6 - Symposium on Soil & Food - Copenhagen, Denmark - 26-27 Aug55729
- 9th European GMO-Free Regions Conference 2018 - Berlin, Germany - 6th and 7th Sept55734
- NECE Conference 2018 Brave New World? The Future of Democracy and Citizenship Education - Marseille, France - 6 - 9 Sep55735
- We’re mobilising - For a Fossil Free world - 8-9 September55736
- 2018 Cycling and Society Symposium & European Cyclists’ Federation Scientists for Cycling colloquium University of the West of England, Bristol, 6th -7th Sept.55739
- World CLEANUP Day 2018 - Sep 1555741
- European Day of Sustainable Communities - 22 Sept55743
- Conference WALK BIKE Places - New Orleans, USA - 16-19 Sept55749
- Norwegian Social Forum Next Globalisation Conference - Oslo, Norway - 21-23 Sep55750
- Festival Alternatiba Léman - Suisse - 22 Sep55752
- Tous les 22 septembre à 18h30 place de l’Étoile, masse critique de la Journée mondiale sans voitures - Paris, France55753
- PJSA Conference 2018: "Revolutionary Nonviolence in Violent Times: 50 years since 1968" - Philadelphia, USA - 27-30 Sept55754
- ClimaCon2018 - at the York University campus, Faculty of Environmental Studies - Toronto, ON, Canada - October 10+1155766
- Congresso : Juventud y nonviolencia - Spain - 2-3 Nov55770
- Mobilize Against Trump's War Parade - Washington, D.C., USA - November 10, 2018 at 9am - November 12 55775
- 5th International Week of Action Against the Militarisation of Youth - 12-18 November55777
- Anti-nuclear World Social Forum - Madrid, Spain - fall 201955783
- 2ª Marcha Mundial por la Paz y la Noviolencia 2019 - Madrid, Spain - 2 Oct 2019 to 8 March 202055786