United States
- First Nations - Indian POW WOW - Calendar55872
- Indigenous Environmental Network195861
- 350.org 189114
- Codepink - action calendar 55858
- Youth Climate Strike - USA195112
- Fire Drill Fridays195113
- Extinction Rebellion US195116
- Women's March194225
- Our Revolution - Progressive political action organization.232333
- Reaching Critical Will - a WILPF project - calendar55869
- Training for Change - upcoming workshops55866
- Popular RESISTANCE - national event calendar55856
- International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), USA + offices in various countries 189834
- Democracy Now ! 55855
- War Resisters League WRL - New York55882
- AFSC - American Friends Service Committee USA55854
- Rising Tide North America194219
- Physicians for Social Responsibility55885
- pace et bene 55883
- The New Horizon Of Weapon Tracing - New York City 301238
- Heinrich Böll Foundation - USA / Canada - Washington DC, USA191336
- Rosa-Luxembourg Foundation - New York Office - 55865
- Justseeds - Artists’ Cooperative is a decentralized network of 30 artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement55871
- Left Forum55888
- Nuclear Resister - Future Actions55861
- Fellowship of Reconciliation - FOR USA - Peace Calendar55878
- Resistance Studies Initiative - University of Mass., Amherst55851
- ACLU People Power 55873
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance194216
- GREEN Festivals 55864
- Resource Center for Nonviolence - Santa Cruz, California193923
- nonviolence training hub - training calendar55862
- changelinks - calendar55886
- USA : DoPeace (?)55887
- Resistance Calendar55874
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 55870
- Communities Against a Radioactive Environment - upcoming events55868
- USA : United for Peace and Justice - (No longer against U.S. troops in Iraq)55860
- Peace Events - NAPF55863
- USA: Nuclear Calendar ! - FCNL55850
- Womans March and Ban the Bomb Rally - June 17th New York City55852
- 2015 Events for Nuclear Disarmament Movement Organizers - USA55853
- NAPF - This Month in Nuclear Threat History - USA55875
- Peace Action Massachusetts55884
- NIRS - Nuclear Information and Resource Service194217
- Earth First! Journal194220
- The National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth - 92105 San Diego194222
- Iraq Veterans Against the War194223
- Greenpeace USA194224
- Access Now - defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world - Washington/New York +194987
- Electronic Frontier Foundation - EFF - San Francisco194988
- The Intercept - in-depth investigations and unflinching analysis focus on politics, war, surveillance, corruption, the environment, technology, criminal justice...194989
- Food & Water Watch - Washington194990
- Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA)194991
- Radical Democracy Official website of the Radical Democracy Conference at The New School for Social Research in NYC194992
- Sunrise Movement195115
- Pace e Bene195117
- Campaign Nonviolence195118
- Pax Christi USA195119
- Metta Center for Nonviolence195120
- Nonviolent Peaceforce195121
- Campaign to Stop Killer Robots195858
- Physicians for Social Responsibility - Washington195859
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation195860
- The Nuclear Resister195862
- The Ruckus Society196135
- Catalyst Project - San Francisco196423
- War Resisters Support Campaign (Pan-Canadian)197000
- Courage To Resist197001
- Human Rights Watch197002
- Amazon Frontlines197003
- Action/Campaigns - Kairos Response 209821