- Network for PEACE ! - calendar142799
- Will Britain honour its NPT commitments and disarm? – CND webinar205883
- STOP The WAR Coalition142800
- Stop the War - Local Groups142804
- Extinction Rebellion UK - events189085
- Earth Strike UK193957
- YouthStrike4Climat - events189089
- Democracy for Hong Kong - D4HK - events189100
- Friends of the Earth UK - actions142805
- Campaign Against Arme Trade (CAAT) - actions and events142806
- Stop the Arms Fair - events142810
- Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) - events142811
- Reclaim the Power - events142816
- The Peoples Assembly - against Austerity - events142817
- Campaign against Climate Change - calendar142818
- Peace News - events142822
- Peace News Summer Camp - anually142823
- people & planet - events142824
- Counterfire - events142828
- Red Pepper - calendar142829
- Earth First ! - action days & gatherings142830
- Global Justice Now142841
- War on Want142840
- Time To Cycle - events142842
- Peace Brigades International UK - Latest142846
- Coalition of Resistance - CoR142848
- Index on Censorship - events142852
- Bond - for international development - Network - calendar142853
- Platform Art Activism Education Research - events142854
- Big Brother Watch - events142859
- LSE Events (London)142864
- Civitas UK and Ireland - events142868
- Leeds for change - events142869
- Uniting for Peace142870
- British Pugwash - events142874
- UK Uncut - Blog & Events142875
- Northern Friends Peace Board142876
- Schumacher College142880
- Housmans Bookshop London - in-store events142881
- London Pacifism and Nonviolence Discussion Group - future meetings142882
- Drill or Drop - events happening this week142887
- Veterans for Peace - calendar142888
- Quakers in Britain - news & events142891
- WILPF UK - events142892
- Earth First! - Gatherings 142893
- UK Student Climate Network - events189083
- Global Justice Now - London196153
- Network of Christian Peace Organisations - events142897
- Voices for Creative Non-Violence UK196150
- Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - events142898
- Conway Hall, London - talks & lectures142899
- No Glory in War (1914-1918)142903
- Open Rights Group - events142904
- FRONTLINE Club - London - upcoming events and workshops142905
- Frontline Club (London) 142909
- Frontline Club London - YouTube142910
- Regather co-operative, Sheffield - upcoming events142911
- Chatham House - Live Stream142915
- London Review Bookshop - LRB142916
- The World Is My Country - speaking tour142917
- Veggies' Animal Rights Calendar142921
- Craftivist Collective (London)142922
- Take one ACTION! - events142923
- Make Music Day UK - 21 June142927
- London Radical Bookfair142928
- London Anarchist Bookfair142929
- Servas Britain - calendar142933
- eventbride - London - Events142934
- Democracy for Hong Kong - D4HK - fb189310
- Amnesty International UK- London195015
- London Mining Network - events189742
- Coal Action Network - events189743
- BP or not BP? - events189746
- Environmental Justice Foundation - London191508
- London Catholic Worker195018
- Human Rights At Sea - London191510
- Stop Hinkley 193955
- Assemblea Nacional Catalana - England190216
- Tripod: Training for Social Action190282
- Faslane Peace Camp196145
- Stop Ecocide: Change the Law195984
- Medact - London190285
- Pesticide Action Network UK196021
- Women's History Network196140
- Green and Black Cross - London & UK Network195985
- Anachist Studies blog195986
- Index of Censorship, London190406
- Anarchist Studies Network - A PSA Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism.195988
- Anarchist Studies - is an inter- and multi-disciplinary journal of anarchism research195987
- Degrowth Reading Group - London196154
- Anarchist Federation193956
- Decolonising Environmentalism191839
- Peace Pledge Union - London196010
- Students For a Free Tibet UK194000
- Bristol : Adblock - for a city free from corporate outdoor advertising190294
- Lancashire : Freire Institute 190286
- Leeds Stands With Hong Kong190543
- Liverpool : news from nowhere. Radical & Community Bookshop 142886
- Manchester : supports Hong Kong 曼徹斯特撐香港191953
- Nottingham Stands With Hong Kong190542