- Scientists discover highest concentration of deep-sea microplastics to date - EcoWatch 01.05.20206386
- Microplastics disrupt hermit crabs' ability to choose shell, study suggests - Guardian 29.04.20206209
- Microplastics found for first time in Antarctic ice where krill source food - Guardian 22.04.20205517
- Research: Impact of Microplastics on Human Health and the Environment (Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, 2017)172158
- Report: Environmental Impact of Microplastics (House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, 2017)172159
- Report: Intentionally Added Microplastics in Products (European Commission for Environment, 2017)172160
- Report: Exposure and Effects of Microplastics on Wildlife (pdf) - Dival 01.03.16172163
- Report: Sources, Fate and Effects of Microplastics In the Marine Environment: A Global Assessment (GESAMP, 2015)172164
- Publication: Finding the Missing Piece Of the Aquatic Plastic Pollution Puzzle:Interaction Between Primary Producers and Microplastics (N. Yokota,H. Waterfield, C. Hastings, …172165
- Publication: Environmental Impact of Microplastics (Parliament UK, 2016)172168
- Paper: Accumulation of Microplastic on Shorelines Woldwide: Sources and Sinks (2011)172169
- Beat the Microbead - INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST MICROPLASTIC INGREDIENTS IN COSMETICS - Supported by 91 NGOs from 35 countries and regions. 172172
- Plastic Microbeads Ban Enters Force In UK - The Guardian 09.01.18172173
- The U.K. Has Banned Microbeads. Why? - The New York Times 09.01.18172174
- Plastic Microbead Ban: What Impact Will it Have? - BBC 09.01.18172177
- World-leading microbeads ban takes effect - Gov.UK 09.01.18172178
- To Save the Oceans, Should You Give Up Glitter? - National Geographic 30.11.17172179
- Nordic Ban on Microplastics Rejected – Awaiting EU Strategy - Nordic Co-operation 01.11.17172182
- Microplastics: What Are They and What Can We Do About Them? - IISD 10.10.17172183
- The Eco Guide to Microplastics - The Guardian 06.08.17172184
- Microbeads Ban: Government to Outlaw Microplastics in Cosmetic Products - The Independent 21.07.17172187
- The Microbead-Free Waters Act: FAQs - US Food&Drug172188
- We're Eating Polyester in Our Seafood - Ecocult 27.07.17172189
- Freshwater’s Macro Microplastic Problem - NovaNext 11.05.17 172192
- Not Long Before Plastic Pollution Is Impacting Human Health - Irish Examiner 04.07.17172193
- Yoga Pants, Fleece Jackets and the Microplastics Dilemma - GreenBiz 28.03.17172194
- Controls on "Plastic Poison" in Toothpaste and Body Scrubs MUST be Extended to Cover Cosmetics - Mail Online 04.02.17172197
- UK government to ban microbeads from cosmetics by end of 2017 02.09.16172198
- Plastic microbeads expected to be banned by end of 2017 – BBC News 03.09.16172199
- Microbeads – what does a ban look like? – Greenpeace 26.08.16172203
- Microbeads ban would be "just the tip of the iceberg", says Imperial researcher – Imperial College London 24.08.16172206
- Microplastics should be banned in cosmetics to save oceans, MPs say – Guardian 24.08.16172207
- Microplastics Killing Fish Before They Reach Reproductive Age, Study Finds - The Guardian 02.06.17172208
- Microplastics: Which Beauty Brands are Safe to Use? - The Guardian 19.04.16172211
- Microplastics worse for crabs and other marine life than previously thought, study shows - University of Exeter 7/14172212