Ecology & Politics
- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)31514
- United Nations Environment Programme - Industry and Environment31515
- Natural Environment White Paper (UK) - DEFRA31516
- The International Geosphere - Biosphere Programme (IGBP)31517
- Eco-Socialism - New Internationalist31518
- Linkages - A Multimedia Resource for Environment Development Policy Makers31519
- Green Ribbon Campaign - Prisoners of Ecological Conscience31520
- United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) - GRID31521
- UN Centre for Human Settlements (UNCHS / Habitat) - Nairobi31522
- End:CIV - Resist or Die (Documentary)31523
- 'Blind Spot' - Documentary31524
- GlobeLaw - Multilateral Environmental Treaties31526
- Earth Summit+5 - New York 6/9731527
- Worldbank on Environment31528
- The Bellona Foundation - e.g. Nikitin31529
- Environment - Intelligence Threat Assessments (FAS)31530
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)31531
- U.S. Government Selling Arctic Ocean to Polluters (Greenpeace)31533
- Smart Communities Network - US Department of Energy31536
- European Environmental Advisory Councils (EEAC)31538
- Divided Planet: The Ecology of Rich and Poor by Tom Athanasiou31540
- Popular outcry for environmental protections - Ecologist 01.03.21236820
- £3bn green home grants scheme faltering just weeks after launch - Guardian 14.11.20229005
- Podcast: The Plot To Kill 'Planet of the Humans' (feat. Max Blumenthal) Rumble with Michael Moore - The Grayzone 13.10.20223688