NGOs - local, regional, national
- 2050 Climate Group (Scotland) 259235
- 38 Degrees258810
- ASEED Europe 259236
- Climate Fringe258808
- Climate Scotland258830
- Climate Change Committee263587
- CND UK - Climate Not Trident259354
- Code Pink260303
- COP26 Coalition258801
- COP26 Coalition - Peoples Summit for Climate Justice 7-10 Nov258818
- COP26 Coalition - Global Day of Action for Climate Justice - Saturday 6 November259355
- COP26 Coalition - Local hubs259447
- COP26 and the Climate Nuclear Disarmament Nexus - Basel Peace Office261717
- Friends of the Earth Scotland258805
- Greenpeace258813
- Nordic co-operation 259080
- OXFAM258803
- Path to COP26258800
- Stop Climate Chaos Scotland258807
- Tearfund258804
- The Time is Now258806
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)258815
- UK Student Climate Network258821
- War on Want258829
- Young People's Trust for the Environment (YPTE)258797