- Friends of the Earth - Les Ami(e)s de la Terre - Ottawa31100
- Sea Sheppard - Canada31101
- Greenpeace - Canada31102
- Tides Canada - uncommon solution for the common good31103
- Canadian Renewable Fuels Association31104
- climate action network - Canada31105
- Our climate - Canadian Youth Climate Coalition31106
- Solar Energy Society of Canada (SESCI)31107
- Canadian Wind Energy Association31108
- David Suzuki Foundation31109
- Ecotrust Canada31110
- Ecoforestry Institute31111
- EcoSuperior (Ontario)31112
- Forest Futures - Community Control of Forestry in BC31113
- Energy Probe Research Foundation (Canada)31115
- Recycling Council of Alberta31117
- Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development31118
- Windsong Renewable Energy Systems31120
- DeSmogBlog31122
- WildCanada.Net31123
- Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)31124
- First Nations Environmental Network (FNEN)31125
- Alberta Research Council (ARC)31126
- Environmental Services Association of Alberta (ESAA)31127
- Green Peace - What are the solutions to climate change?31129
- Science for Peace31131