Citizen Evacuations
- SHADOW LANDS - Greenpeace Film107996
- Evacuations and Japanese Reaction to the Fukushima I Nuclear Accidents - Wikipedia107997
- The power of privacy (4/5): Open data: mapping the fallout from Fukushima107998
- Google Images - Fukushima Evacuation107999
- Google Images - Fukushima Exclusion108000
- YouTube - Fukushima Evacuation108001
- YouTube - Fukushima Exclusion108002
- Map of Fukushima Evacuation Zones108003
- The Lonely Towns of Fukushima - NY Times 10.03.17108004
- Fukushima evacuees face 'forced' return as subsidies withdrawn - Guardian 10.03.17108005
- Five years on, cleanup of Fukushima's reactors remains a distant goal - Guardian 11.03.16108006
- Over 9 million bags of nuclear cleanup waste piled up across Fukushima Pref. - Mainichi 11.12.15108007
- Fallout from Fukushima: The Radioactive Exclusion Zone 09.11.15108008
- Fukushima-666 (The Fukushima Generation) 15.11.13108010
- Fukushima residents may never go home, say Japanese officials - Guardian 12.11.13108011
- Map of Contamination Shown by Actual Measurement Values: A Part of Fukushima City at the Level of Evacuation Zone, High Contamination Zone in the Metropolitan Tokyo Area, and…108012
- TEPCO damages liability may be capped at $ (24-) 45 bln - Reuters 13.04.11108014
- The Dead Zone 28.03.11108016
- Atomic Cleanup Cost Goes to Japan's Taxpayers, May Spur Liability Shift - Bloomberg 23.03.11108017
- Munich Re estimates claims burden from earthquake in Japan at around €1.5bn - 22.03.11108018
- Swiss Re provides estimate of its claims costs from Japan earthquake and tsunami ($ 1.2 bln) - 21.03.11 *.pdf108019