Clean Energy
- Green Energy - Huffington Post31849
- Which Green (UK) - Energy Supplier Ratings31850
- Fuel Mix of UK Domestic Electricity Suppliers - electricityinfo.org31851
- The Angry Clean Energy Guy - Website350196
- Green Electricity Marketplace (UK)31852
- Fuel Mix Disclosure Data (UK)31853
- Billions in Change - solutions31854
- Ecoportal31855
- Clean Energy Wire - Experts 342741
- Clean Energy Economy for the Region - CLEER31856
- Clean Energy Costs Expected to Drop 2-11% in 2025, Report Says - Pressenza 12.02.25457253
- Green energy in abundance - Sonnenseite 18.01.25457602
- The Problematic Chemicals Fueling America’s EV Revolution - Mother Jones 10.07.24427038
- What it will take to make clean energy affordable — for everyone - Washington Post 30.01.24396241
- Global Clean Energy Spending Surges to $1.8 Trillion. It’s Not Enough - BNN Bloomberg 30.01.24396242
- BP faces activist investor pressure to ditch clean energy pledges - Financial Times 29.01.24396240
- WMO community supports urgent transition to clean energy - WMO 26.01.24396245
- Decentralization: The Future Of Clean Energy - Eurasia Review 26.01.24396244
- China’s clean energy growth to accelerate global power source transformation: FM - Global Times 26.01.24396243
- New material allows for better hydrogen-based batteries and fuel cells - Riken 23.12.23393790
- America’s Trade War With China Spills Into Clean Energy - HeatMap 24.10.23379956
- AOC's Clean Energy Bill Would Repeal Fossil Fuel Giveaways in Inflation Reduction Act - CD 26.07.23364590
- Is China really leading the clean energy revolution? Not exactly - Guardian 06.07.23359533
- China on course to hit wind and solar power target five years ahead of time - Guardian 29.06.23360353
- Researchers calculate the effects of a climate transition in India - Sonnenseite 03.06.23355113
- East African Groups Urge Policymakers to Ditch Fossil Fuels for Renewables - CD 12.05.23347327
- Video: How to fix clean energy’s storage problem - Vox 27.04.23342509
- Video: How Putin made Europe go green faster - DW Planet A 07.04.23340516
- EU Approves Germany's $30 Billion Green Energy Plan - CD 21.12.22322045
- Tweet: Recently I learned about a man who has trained 1,000+ people to block wind and solar projects - @curious_founder 01.11.22314623
- Clean Energy Production Must Double by 2030 to Stave Off Catastrophe: WMO - CD 11.10.22312079
- Ocean Waves can be a source of unlimited #cleanenergy - @MikeHudema 24.08.22302723
- EU plans ‘massive’ increase in green energy to rid itself of reliance on Russia - Guardian 18.05.22287163
- Report Details How Community Utilities Can Usher In Green Energy Transition - CD 18.04.22282979
- Solar, Wind Surge in 2021 'Another Testament of Renewable Energy's Resilience' - CD 11.04.22282064
- Could Ukraine war help end west’s reliance on hydrocarbons? - Guardian 19.03.22278289
- What are the safest and cleanest sources of energy? - Our World in Data 10.02.22292284
- 260+ Companies Demand 'Big, Bold Action' on Clean Energy - Common Dreams 24.01.22270939
- The 5 biggest clean energy stories from 2021 - GreenBiz 16.12.21265635
- UN energy summit: Commitments of more than US$400 billion in new finance and investment announced - Sonnenseite 02.10.21258212
- Wind and solar capacity will overtake both gas and coal globally by 2024 - WE Forum 12.11.20223491
- Building electrification is key to a safe climate future - GreenBiz 05.11.20222430
- The path to recovery is not paved with hydrocarbons - GreenBiz 20.07.20212584
- A truly clean energy system runs on a clean conscience - GreenBiz 02.07.20211959
- Clean energy job losses could worsen without aid, analysis shows - EcoWatch 16.06.20210101
- How to speed up the clean energy transition - EcoWatch 30.05.20208514
- A California utility announces 770 megawatts of battery storage. That’s a lot - Inside Climate News 07.05.20207144
- Virginia passes historic 100% clean evergy legislation - Common Dreams 06.02.20200814
- Podcast: Southampton, Long Island's journey to source 100% of it's energy from renewable sources by 2025 - Institute for Local Self-Reliance 12.02.20198778
- The regions and states leading the way in clean energy 2020 (USA) - Institute for Local Self-Reliance 07.02.20198779
- Ammonia for Fuel Cells - University of Delaware 14.08.19188528
- Germany, the Green Superpower - NY Times 06.05.1531857
- China, Germany move ahead on clean energy: study - Solar Daily 3/1131858
- Japan PM urges clean energy push - Solar Daily 3/1131859
- Lighting a Fire Under Clean Coal - National Geographic 8/1031860
- General Under Petraeus in Iraq Backs Clean Energy Plan in New National Ad - VoteVets 7/1031861
- VoteVets Clean Energy Plan Ad - YouTube 7/1031862
- Clean, Green, Safe and Smart - Nation 7/1031863
- Dong Energy: 'Clean' Denmark's dirty secret - Guardian 9/0931864
- The Challenge for Green Energy: How To Store Excess Electricity - Yale Environment360 13.07.0931865
- The Green Power Hustle: "Clean" Energy's Dirty Little Secret - Solar Utilities Network 11/98 (Archive)31866
- Clean energy’s dirty secret - Economist 25.02.1731867
- Video: Green Corporate Goals, One Hundred Companies Have Pledged to Get 100% of Their Electricity from Renewables (Climate Reality, 2018)31868
- Agora Energiewende240297