- Biomass - Wikipedia62368
- Bioenergy Action Plan - Wikipedia62369
- Biomass Monitor (USA)62370
- Breath Clean Air Group62371
- Biomass - Cool Australia62372
- Greenwashing Files: Drax - Client Earth 456524
- Biomass: The Chain of Destruction62374
- Climate Connections - Biomass62375
- How wood biomass helps mitigate climate change - MNN209165
- UK Cuts Subsidies for Drax Power Station in Half, Saying It Must Burn 100% Sustainable Biomass - EcoWatch 10.02.25457206
- Why corn ethanol is worse for the climate than petrol - Guardian 26.09.24433192
- World’s largest wood pellet company accused of ‘greenwashing’ in new SEC complaint - SELC 23.09.24456530
- Burning wood is not ‘renewable energy,’ so why do policymakers pretend it is? - Mongabay 11.06.24419174
- 2023 Billion-Ton Report: An Assessment of U.S. Renewable Carbon Resources - Sonnenseite 30.03.24404533
- Biomass-burning coal plants leave the air even dirtier, Java communities say - Mongabay 25.03.24404652
- Biomass, Bulldozers and Greenwashing- Our Renewed Obsession With Industry - Medium 23.03.24456527
- Government can't prove biomass industry meets sustainability rules, National Audit Office says - Sky 24.01.24456517
- Biomass Can Fight Climate Change, But Only If You Do It Right - WRI 16.01.24456542
- Promoting the use of bioenergy in developing nations: a CDM route to sustainable development - Frontiers 08.01.24456540
- Enviva, the world’s largest biomass energy company, is near collapse - Mongabay 20.11.23385220
- Urgent need to consider how to best use biomass in Europe - EEA 08.11.23456516
- The biomass climate hoax: Shipping Southern forests overseas to burn - SELC 10.06.23456526
- The Netherlands to stop paying subsidies to ‘untruthful’ biomass firms - Mongabay 23.12.22322224
- Australia rejects forest biomass in first blow to wood pellet industry - Mongabay 21.12.22322222
- Journal: Biomass energy for sustainable development: evidence from Asian countries - Springer Link 21.12.22456539
- The Extensive Use Of Biomass In Developing Countries - Illuminem 14.10.22456535
- EU limits subsidies for burning trees under renewable energy directive - Guardian 14.09.22305284
- Switzerland set to burn more trees to reach its climate and energy goals - Mongabay 06.09.22304051
- Video: Biomass: How clean is energy from waste and plants really? - DW Planet A 24.06.22317780
- Missing the emissions for the trees: Biomass burning booms in East Asia - Mongabay 11.05.22287278
- Activists vow to take EU to court to fight its forest biomass policies - Mongabay 14.03.22278997
- Biomass is billed as a “clean” alternative to coal. US forest communities disagree - New Statesman 12.01.22270228
- Report - Converting Biomass to Energy: A Case Study in Avoiding Greenwashing - WEF 11/21456523
- The battle over burning: why Drax is being accused of “greenwashing” - New Statesman 27.10.21456531
- Green energy or greenwashing? The wood pellet industry is the target of fierce debate - WHQR 26.10.21456528
- Biomass is promoted as a carbon neutral fuel. But is burning wood a step in the wrong direction? - Guardian 04.10.21456529
- The current status, challenges and prospects of using biomass energy in Ethiopia - NIH 10/21456533
- Demand for Biomass likely to exceed sustainable supply, warns the ETC - Energy Transitions 06.07.21456520
- Report: Unsustainable and Ineffective: Why EU Forest Biomass Standards won’t stop destruction - Client Earth 05/21456515
- Are forests the new coal? Global alarm sounds as biomass burning surges - Mongabay 31.08.20215503
- Enzyme Cocktail Developed in Brazil Powers Production of Second-Generation Ethanol - ENN 18.08.20214383
- The Dutch have decided: Burning biomass is not sustainable - Euractiv 21.07.20456519
- Study: love-hate relationship of solvent and water leads to better biomass breakup - Oak Ridge National Laboratory 15.07.20212658
- How Developed Countries are Exploiting Developing Countries for Biomass Energy - Earth 13.07.20456541
- Scientists warn U.S. Congress against declaring biomass burning carbon neutral - Mongabay 13.05.20207574
- Our Forests Aren't Fuel - NRDC 08.05.20456522
- South Korea subsidizing biomass so heavily that wind and solar are being crowded out of the market - Mongabay 30.04.20206302
- Valorizing wastewater can improve commercial viability of biomass oil production - University of Illinois 17.04.20205332
- Biomass energy: green or dirty? - Physics World 08.01.20456518
- Biomass Fuels Could Stymie Economic Growth in Developing Countries - Earth 09.12.19456537
- How the Biomass Industry Sent “Sustainability” Up in Smoke - NRDC 25.07.19456514
- Don’t believe the hype: Biomass is an environmental disaster - Red Pepper 17.04.1862376
- Biofuel and biomass 'sustainability standards' are pure greenwash - Ecologist 10.03.14456525
- Relationship between biomass energy and economic growth in transition countries: panel ARDL approach - Wiley 07.03.14456543
- Forests could face threat from biomass power 'gold rush' - Guardian 11/13 62382
- 40+ Leading Scientists Call on EPA to Protect Forests From Biomass Industry - Ecowatch 11/1362383
- GE Trees and Bioenergy, A Growing Threat to Forests and Communities - WRM 30.05.1362379
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- Effects of Unsustainable Use of Biomass Energy for Cooking and Strategies for their Reduction in Developing Countries - ResearchGate 01/12456536
- Renewable energy—traditional biomass vs. modern biomass - Science Direct 04/04456538
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- Biomass energy: Lessons from case studies in developing countries - Science Direct 01/92456534
- Earth Grab: No to a Biomass Economy - YouTube62380
- Dirtier Than Coal? - RSPB, FoE and Greenpeace Report62378
- Clenergen (company) - Biomass Fuel Supply62387
- Sugar - Wikipedia62388
- EP ban on primary woody biomass puts 20% of Europe’s RES at risk - Bioenergy456521
- Is biomass a sustainable energy solution for off-grid villages in developing countries? - E4SV 456532