Anti Environmentalists
- Anti-environmentalism - Wikipedia216977
- Top anti-environmental groups - Polluter Watch216978
- Global Spin - Sharon Beder33151
- Smart Communities Network (NCAT) - US Department of Energy (Archive)33153
- Consumers Alliance for Global Prosperity - Archive33154
- Whois - consumerprosperity.com33155
- Heritage Foundation33156
- Cato Institute33157
- Global Climate Coalition33158
- What the heck is RAND? Public policy being shaped by corporate interests (Archive)33160
- 'The Science Is Blatantly Clear': Global Youth Demand Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty - CD 03.06.22291368
- How the Fossil Fuel Industry Funds Fascism - CD 21.01.21233068
- Almost half of thermal coal firms set to defy climate pledge – report - Guardian 12.11.20227303
- Video: Why we need political action to tackle the oil, coal and gas companies - Guardian 08.10.19198987
- Video: An anti-environment and anti-science policy - Brasil de Fato 23.09.19217042
- Video: The roots of anti-environmentalism in the U.S. - Peter Jacques 19.11.18216979
- *Petition* Are your utility bills funding anti-environmental groups? - Center for Biological Diversity 216986
- A record number of environmentalists were murdered in 2019 - Gizmodo 29.07.20213069
- The anti-Greta: A conservative think tank takes on the global phenomenon - Washington Post 23.02.20217035
- Australian PM Morrison Pledges to Outlaw Climate Boycotts - CD 02.11.19198738
- A running list of how President Trump is changing environmental policy - Nat Geo 03.05.19216985
- Meet the US Senate's most important anti-environmentalist - The Verge 22.12.14216983
- Conservative lobby group Alec plans anti-environmental onslaught - Guardian 02.12.14216984
- Why we need to forget about the environment - The Conversation 29.08.12217027
- Environment: The case against protection - BBC 29.07.11217026
- The US evangelicals who believe environmentalism is a 'native evil' - Guardian 05.05.11217040
- Do environmental regulations hurt the economy? - Governing 03/10217032
- Anti-Environmentalism/ Green Backlash - Herinst216980
- Report: Environmental protection: Is it bad for the economy? A non-technical summary of the literature - EPA (1999)217029
- Mitsubishi - the most environmentally destructive corporate force on earth - Corp Watch 01.12.9733152
- Report: Environmentalists vs oil producers: clearing misunderstandings for constructive action - Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (1995)217041
- The Greenpeace guide to anti-environmental organizations - UCLA Wharton, Dale (1994)216981