- Nuclear Decommissioning - Wikipedia93108
- Decommissioning.info93113
- Decommissioning of Nuclear Installations - Europe93114
- Decommissioning old nuclear sites to cost £130bn in blow to Miliband - Telegraph 29.11.24457665
- Nuclear plant's decommissioning could take 95 years - BBC 19.09.24457668
- UK nuclear power stations’ decommissioning cost soars to £23.5bn - Guardian 20.05.22457662
- Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities - WNA 03.05.22457661
- “Sorry saga” of disused nuclear sites will cost generations of UK taxpayer - UK Parl 27.11.20457664
- If you think building a nuclear plant is expensive, just destroying it costs $2.3 billion. And that's before the cost of storing the waste 250,000 years... - Mark Z. Jacobso…225329
- Decommissioning and dismantling Japan’s nuclear power plants - McKinsey 08.09.20457670
- Report: Nuclear Provision: the cost of cleaning up Britain’s historic nuclear sites - 04.07.19457663
- Report: Costs of Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants - OECD 04.04.16457667
- Nuclear Free Future: Nuclear Industry PROFIT Before Nuclear Safety - Fairewinds 5/1493115
- Decommissioning a Nuclear Plant Can Cost $1 Billion and Take Decades - Reuters 12.09.11457669
- Nuclear clean-up ‘to cost £70bn‘ ! - BBC 3/0693116
- Costs of decommissioning nuclear power plants - IAEA 03/90457666