General Info
- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2021 - WorldNuclearReport 28.09.21263691
- What are the safest and cleanest sources of energy? - Our World in Data 10.02.20289593
- No Nukes Inforesource (NNI)34011
- Nuclear Power Plants Around the World - No Nukes Inforesource34012
- World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2017 - with particular emphasis on economic issues 34013
- European Commission - Nuclear Energy34014
- Nuclear Power - Wikipedia34015
- MOX fuel - Wikipedia34016
- Fast breeder reactor - Wikipedia34017
- Nuclear Power Debate - typical Wikipedia34018
- Greenpeace - End the nuclear age !34019
- Nuclear renaissance - Wikipedia34020
- The Nuclear Illusion - Rocky Mountain Institute34021
- Europe's Nuclear Heritage - Greenkids34022
- Biologically significant Radionuklides (RadNet)34023
- Greenpeace International - Nuclear Campaign34024
- Australia: Research Reactor Details - HIFAR34025
- Nuclear Blast Fallout Shelters FAQ34027
- Occupational Radiation Exposure (NRC, USA)34028
- Arnie Gundersen: Expect the Unexpected - YouTube 6/1634029
- The Enemy Within: The High Cost of Living Near Nuclear Reactors - Gould34030
- Nuclear Terrorism - Sabotage of Nuclear Power Plants34031
- Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board - DOE Sites34032
- Radiation Exposures by Nuclear Facilities34033
- "Radiation Damage" + "Dose Measurements" - Google Scholar34034
- Radiation Safety - University of Portsmouth34035
- Onkalo spent nuclear fuel repository - Wikipedia270945
- Floating Nuclear Power Plants - Core Power 460470