Marcellus Formation (USA)
- Wikipedia125876
- Marcellus-Shale.us125877
- Marcellus natural gas trend - Wikipedia224999
- Citizens Marcellus Shale Commission125880
- Key Documents About Mid-Atlantic Oil and Gas Extraction - US EPA125881
- Marcellus Shale Safe Drilling Initiative - Maryland Environment Dept.125882
- Marcellus Shale Initiative Publications Database - Bucknell University125886
- Marcellus Shale - Penn State125887
- Marcellus Shale - Appalachian Basin Natural Gas Play - Geology125888
- GoMarcellusShale: All things pertaining to the Marcellus & Utica Shale125892
- Marcellus Shale Companies / Stocks125893
- Marcellus Shale Coalition125894
- Natural Gas from Shale - Chevron125898
- EnergyFromShale125899
- Marcellus Shale Education & Training Center125900
- Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Drilling - PennLive125903
- Earthworks - Marcellus and Utica Shale225001
- State Impact - natural gas drilling in Pennsylvania225003
- Five things to know about fracking in Pennsylvania. are voters listening? - Inside Climate News 02.11.20225000
- The “greening” of Pennsylvania: the war on fracking - Capital Research 27.10.20225002
- Hydraulic fracturing components in Marcellus groundwater likely from surface operations, not wells - The Conversation 12.10.15225004
- Here's why marcellus shale play is so important for Chesapeake - Forbes 26.09.14225005
- Banks Reluctant to Lend in Shale Plays as Evidence Mounts on Harm to Property Values Near Fracking 11/13125904
- Production data shows Marcellus shale boom continues - PA Independent 8/12125905
- Marcellus Shale becoming top US natural gas field - Business Week 8/12125909
- Geochemical evidence for possible natural migration of Marcellus Formation brine to shallow aquifers in Pennsylvania - PNAS 5/12125910