Military Education & Recruitment
- Forces Watch (UK)43896
- Not Your Soldier Project (USA) - Archive43897
- War Registers League - Counter Recruitment43898
- Army of None (Counter-Recruitment) - The Book 43899
- Stop Recruiting Kids198320
- @SRKcampaign198319
- Youth and Countermilitarism Program - War Resisters League (Archive)43900
- Video: What is behind the US military’s recruitment crisis? - Al Jazeera 03.03.23332967
- Student Debt Relief Is Undermining the Military’s Predatory Recruiting Practices - Jacobin 30.08.22303290
- The US Military’s JROTC Program Is Even Worse Than You Thought - Jacobin 23.08.22302136
- New Military Education Camps for Tibet's Youth Constructed in Nyingtri - Free Tibet 03.08.21253501
- UN Committee Questioning US Recruitment, Killing of Children - Scoop 7/1243901
- Ex-soldiers in the classroom - Economist 11/1043902
- The U.S. Military's New Recruiting Ads Make War Look Like a Fun Video Game - AlterNet 8/0943903
- Peace activist can steer kids to non-military jobs - Signon San Diego News 8/0943904
- Youth and the Military - Not in Our Name! (Archive)43906
- Military Out of Our Schools Program (CCCO) - Archive43907
- Before you enlist - Find out the facts ! (Archive)43908
- Military Recruiting: Selling an Idea, Making False Promises - YouTube43909
- Georgia National Guard will use phone location tracking to recruit high school children - Intercept 16.04.23341337
- Military recruiters are targeting high schoolers facing financial insecurity - Truthout 16.08.20215220
- Military recruiters don’t belong in high schools - CD 16.08.20214191
- Because Going to War 'Is Not a Game,' Lawmakers Urged to Vote for AOC's Ban Military Recruiting on Twitch - CD 30.07.20214163
- Progressives Applaud AOC Proposal to Ban 'Insidious Practice' of Military Recruiting in Schools - CD 27.07.20214164
- School Recruiting Program Handbook - US Army Recruiting Command 9/04 *.pdf43910
- Counter-Recruiters Push for School Access 6/0843911
- School Military Recruiting Could Violate International Protocol 5/0843912
- Iraq: teachers told to rewrite history - UK 3/0843913
- Four Years Later, the Fallout of Iraq 1/0843914
- Jennifer Pacanowski joined the Army to climb out of debt. She ended up in the hole 1/0843915
- Military Recruiting Vans Draw Fire 11/0743916
- Book: Army of None: Strategies to Counter Military Recruitment, End War, and Build a Better World - Amazon 11.07.0743917
- A former Marine recruiter explains... How they sell the military 3/0543918
- The dirty world of military recruiting - Final Call 7/0443919
- No Child Left Unrecruited: Army Recruiters Target High Schools ! - Democracy Now! 4/0443921
- US agencies designate less than $40 million a year in research on civilian education technology 1/02 (FAS) - Archive43922
- The Lion Lamb Project on Violent Toys43923
- Violent Toys (CPT) - Archive43924
- War comes to school 1/03 (Archive)43925
- ? Summer Fight Camp - Banana Republic43926
- ? Recruitment Standards - Cartoon43927