Karl Raimund Popper (Austria)
- Karl Popper (1902-1994) - Wikipedia44306
- Karl Popper ! - Stanford Encyclopedia44307
- The Karl Popper Web - TKPW44308
- Sir Karl Popper (1902-1994)44309
- Sir Karl Raimund Popper: In Memoriam44310
- Obituary: Professor Sir Karl Popper - Independent 9/9444311
- Obituary of Karl Popper - British Academy44312
- PhilosophyTalk - Discussion of Popper's Life and Work44313
- Karl Popper in Prague44315
- Karl Popper - Books44316
- In Search of a Better World 12/95 (amazon)44317
- An Introduction to the Thought of Karl Popper 12/96 (amazon)44318
- The Open Society and Its Enemies : The Spell of Plato (Vol. 1) 2/71 (amazon)44319
- The Open Society and Its Enemies : The High Tide of Prophecy : Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath (Vol 2) 2/71 (amazon)44320
- The Works of Karl Popper and His Library - University Library Klagenfurt 305308
- Wittgenstein vs. Popper - Drushbapankow305298
- Karl Popper on The Line Between Science and Pseudoscience - FS 305307
- What Is Karl Popper's View Of The Scientific Method? Is That View Satisfactory? - Hamza Tzortis 305328
- Natuurlijk zijn wetenschappers bevooroordeeld, zei Karl Popper - Diggit Magazine 24.08.22 - nl305315
- Does Popper’s Falsification Principle Itself Need to Be Falsifiable? - Cantor's Paradise 16.03.22305324
- Researching what few understand - Science Faculty Magazine 15.12.21305309
- The Open Society and Its Prophets - Tablet Mag 04.10.21305296
- Falsifiability in medicine: what clinicians can learn from Karl Popper - NCBI 22.05.21305325
- Karl Popper’s Critical Rationalism And The Notion Of An “Open Society” - The Postil 01.03.21305311
- The abuses of Popper - Aeon 16.02.21305323
- Karl Popper, Theory of Falsification - Simply Psychology 2020305304
- Popper on Marx on History - Philosophy Now 5/19305317
- Falsifiability and physics - Symmetry Magazine 23.04.19305329
- The Paradox of Karl Popper - Scientific American 22.08.18305305
- De echte paradox van Popper - Diggit Magazine 23.02.18 - nl305314
- Karl Popper and the Philosophy of Science - Literariness 02.06.17305306
- Of March and Myth: The Politicizing of Science - Psychology Today 19.04.17305313
- The 100 best nonfiction books: No 35 – The Open Society and Its Enemies by Karl Popper (1945) - The Guardian 26.09.16305320
- From the archives: the open society and its enemies revisited - The Economist 31.01.16305319
- Falsification in Economics. Is Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science Applicable to Economic Research? - Grin 2016305326
- String Theory vs the Popperazzi - Philosophers Mag 12.10.15305297
- What is science? - Science Faculty Magazine 01.06.14305310
- Spontaneous Order: Looking Back at Neoliberalism - Dissent Magazine 2014305300
- Sir Karl Popper (1902-1994) - Philosophy Now 2/12305318
- Falsifiability - Science Direct 2011305330
- Falsification of Popper and Lakatos - e-logos 28.01.2008 - PDF305327
- Popper's Critique of 'Free-Market Ideology' - Policy 2008 - PDF 305299
- ‘The Open Society’ Revisited - Philosophy Now 11/02305316
- The Porcupine - The New Yorker 3/02305295
- The Capitalist Threat - The Atlantic 2/97305302
- “In short, the Open Society is not enough.” - Libertarianism 10/76305301
- Karl Popper's Critical Rationalism - Nature 2/65305312
- Popper's Falsificationism - CSUS 1963305321
- Science as Falsification - Washington.edu 1963 - PDF 305322