Social Media - Education Day
- #LearningForLastingPeace395450
- #EducationJustice4ALL395197
- #internationaldayofeducation395196
- #DayOfEducation232940
- #WorldEducationDay232939
- #EducationIsAHumanRight232937
- #InternationalDayOfEducation232936
- #EducationDay232935
- #Edu2030NGOs 195649
- #ActingTogether4Education 195648
- #SDG4 195647
- #Education2030 195646
- @Education2030UN 195645
- #RightToEducation194660
- #Education194645
- #EducationForAll452472
- #EducationForPeace452475
- International Day of Education - Tw194644
- Our TWEET on the topic 2024 - please share 395357
- Our INSTAGRAM post on the topic396407
- International Day of Education - 24 January - Fb194646
- Tweet: AI offers major opportunities for education. We must ensure it enhances human potential without replacing it. - @UN 24.01.25452477
- Tweet: Unlocking the potential of AI also depends on keeping human agency & human rights at the heart of this rapidly evolving technology. - @antonioguterres 24.01.25452473
- Tweet: Today marks the International Day of Education. The UN emphasizes education as key for peace & sustainable development - @NobelPeaceOslo 24.01.25452474
- Tweet: Education is a human right, a public good & a shared responsibility. Yet in Afghanistan, the ban on secondary education for girls, now in its third year, has denied 1…452476
- Tweet: #HateSpeech fuels prejudice and discrimination and can enable and normalize violence. This year, #UNESCO is dedicating the International Day of Education on 24 January…395198
- Tweet: Teach grammar... and also SOLIDARITY. If we learn languages & grammar, why aren’t we able to communicate with each other & build bridges? As we mark #EducationDay on 2…395200