Critical Info
- The Whirled Bank Group44866
- Bretton Woods Project44867
- Bank Information Center - World Bank44868
- 50 Years Is Enough!44869
- ICIJ: Explore 10 Years of World Bank Resettlement Data44870
- Gold Rush: How The World Bank Is Financing Environmental Destruction (Huff Post)44871
- Burned Out: World Bank Projects Leave Trail Of Misery Around Globe (Huff Post)44872
- Our Land Our Business Campaign !44873
- Inclusive Development: Campaign to Reform the World Bank’s Policies and Practice on Land and Human Rights44876
- World Bank Divestment Campaign44877
- World Bank Pumping Billions More Into Fossil Fuels Than Publicly Known: Study - CD 12.09.23373270
- World Bank falling short on climate action and locking countries into fossil fuels - Canary 05.04.23340329
- The World Bank used to cause untold harm – but 30 years ago it started reforming. What went right - Conversation 24.03.23338427
- Working at the World Bank, I can see how it is failing humanity on the climate crisis - Guardian 28.10.21260251
- World Bank's $500m pandemic scheme accused of 'waiting for people to die' - Guardian 28.02.20200556
- Book: Demanding Accountability: Civil Society Claims and the World Bank Inspection Panel (Dana Clark, Jonathan A. Fox & Kay Treakle, 2003)44878
- Book: The Struggle for Accountability: The World Bank, NGOs, and Grassroots Movements (Jonathan Fox, & Dave Brown, 1998)44879
- Report: Responsible Reform of the World Bank - Essential Action44880
- Report: Willful blindness: How world bank’s country rankings Impoverish smallholder farmers - Oakland Institute44881
- Unelected Government: Making the IMF and the World Bank More Accountable - Brookings 200344882
- Twitter - #WorldvsBank44883
- 50 Years is Enough ! (archive) 1/0644884
- World Bank Bonds Boycott44885
- Why the World Bank Must Be Reformed and How We Can Do It - Global Exchange44886
- World Bank Fact Sheet - Corp Watch 01.09.0044888
- The World Bank and Corporations Fact Sheet - CorpWatch 01.12.9744889
- Friends of the Earth - World Bank Program (Archive)44890
- Probe finds World Bank changed data to boost China ranking - Al Jazeera 17.09.21255246
- As World Bank Admits Failures, Safeguards Questions Remain - ICIJ 03/1544891
- World Bank denies blame for violent ethiopia evictions - ICIJ 03/1544892
- Leaked Report Says World Bank Violated its Own Rules in Ethiopia - Global Research 01/1544893
- Landgrabbing, illicit finance and corporate crime: an update - Grain 17.10.1844894
- World Versus Bank: The Return of the World Bank and the People's Resistance - Truth Out 10/1444895
- #WorldVsBank: Small Farmers, Global South Demand End to World Bank's 'Moral Bankruptcy' - Common Dreams 10/1444896
- Farmers and Indigenous People Lead Worldwide Protests Against World Bank - 10/1444897
- What the World Bank president said is INSANE - RT 9/1444898
- World Bank accuses itself of failing to protect Kenya forest dwellers - Guardian 09/1444899
- Is the World Bank enabling agribusiness land grabs? - Al Jazeera 04/1444900
- The new shock doctrine: 'Doing Business' with the World Bank - Al Jazeera 04/1444901
- Doing Business with the World Bank: When 'Development' Drives Inequality and Poverty - Think Africa Progress 04/1444902
- World Bank President Admits Past Errors, Predicts Revolts Over Inequality - Popular Resistance 04/1444903
- Beyond Reform: It’s Time to Shut Down the World Bank - Upside Down World 01/1444904
- Development or Armed Robbery: World Bank Funding, SouthCom Militarization Displace Indigenous and Campesino Communities - Americas Program 05/1344905
- World Bank in Oslo 7/02 - Stories in English from IMC Norway : IMC Norge (Archive)44906
- An unusual meeting of bankers and believers !44907
- GAP Releases Internal World Bank Whistleblower Analysis 2/0644908
- Vaughn Report on the World Bank's Whistle Blower Procedures *.pdf 4/05 (Archive)44909
- The World Bank’s Dam Business - Democracy Now 04/0044910
- More than 3 million poor displaced by World Bank projects - CIEL 04/0044911
- WTO challenged to prove its commitment to the poor - Oxfam 11/99 (Archive)44912
- Pictures of World Bank Protest of Oil, Gas and Mining Projects44913
- Institute for Public Accuracy - IPA44914
- Worldbank / IMF - Debts (WEED, Germany)44915
- @WBG_Transport231466