- Pittsburgh Police Challenged over Use of Sound Cannons During G-20 and for Wrongfully Arresting Dozens of University of Pittsburgh Students - Dem. Now! 10/0978422
- New York man accused of using Twitter to direct protesters during G20 summit - Guardian 10/0978423
- Reviving the Peace Dividend - Common Dreams 10/0978424
- Casino Capitalism as Usual - FPIF 9/0978425
- London police arrest 122 after G20 violence - Reuters 01.04.0978426
- G20 protesters blasted by sonic cannon - Guardian 9/0978427
- Greenpeace Greets G2078428
- Police Harassment Greets G-20 Protesters - Common Dreams 9/0978429
- The Anarchist Simpsons: Stephen Hawkin Leads Riots against the G20 (archive 6/10)78430
- Globalization Goes Bankrupt - TruthDig 9/0978431
- G-20 Summit Organizing at a Glance (Archive)78432
- Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project78433
- Latest In G"= Summit - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette78435
- Peopleās March to the G20 - September 2578436
- Pittsburgh G-20 Schedule of Events - Infoshop78437
- Pittsburgh Principles (Archive)78439
- CodePink Pittsburgh78440
- G20 Media Support78441
- Bail out people, not banks - Finance Watch 15.02.2178442
- Thomas Merton Center78443
- Thomas Merton Center - What Groups Do78444
- New People - Pittsburgh Peace and Justice Newspaper *.pdf78445
- Go to Pittsburgh, Young Man, and Defy Your Empire - TruthDig 8/0978447