Impact of the Financial Crisis / Great Recession on the Population
- Wikipedia - The Great Recession134087
- Wikipedia - Effects of the Great Recession134088
- Effects of the Global Financial Crisis on Global Economy134089
- The Human Cost of the Global Financial Crisis - Guardian !134090
- Zero Hedge - Posts on Recession134091
- Make No Mistake: A GOP-Forced Default Will Cause the Next Great Recession - CD 22.05.23348680
- Predictions that global economy is heading for a recession are premature - Guardian 29.12.22327809
- Payday lending faces tough new restrictions by consumer agency - NYT 10/17134092
- Child poverty up in more than half of developed world since 2008 - Guardian 10/14134093
- Report: Children of the Recession: The impact of the economic crisis on child well-being in rich countries - UNICEF 09/14134094
- How The Financial Crisis Created A 'New Third World' - NPR 09/14134095
- The Great Recession Has Halved the Typical American Family’s Wealth - Newsweek, 07/14134096
- How five years of record low interest rates has affected you - Telegraph 03/14134097
- EU economic crisis causing massive rise in poverty – Red Cross - RT 10/13134098
- How Wall Street Devoured the Recovery - Huff Post 09/13134099
- Poverty, Unemployment, Enriching the Few: The 2008 Economic Crisis and the Restructuring of Class Relations in America - Global Research 06/13134100
- Crisis squeezes income and puts pressure on inequality and poverty - OECD 05/13134101
- Financial Crisis Cost Tops $22 Trillion, GAO Says - Huff Post 02/13134102
- Off the balance sheet: the impact of the economic crisis on girls and young women - ODI 01/13134103
- Report: The Great Recession and the jobs crisis (UN)134104
- Greek poverty so bad families 'can no longer afford to bury their dead' - Guardian 10/12134105
- Crisis has thrown back US families 20 years - WSWS 6/12134107
- The impact of the global economic downturn on communities and poverty in the UK - JRF 03/11134108
- Fed Survey: We're 45% Poorer - CBS 03/11134109
- Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on Arab Countries - World Bank 02/11134110
- The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the World’s Poorest Countries - Global Policy 01/10134111
- 100 people every minute pushed into poverty by economic crisis - Oxfam 09/09134112
- The global financial crisis: Poverty and social protection - ODI 08/09134113
- The Global Financial Crisis, Developing Countries and Policy Responses - IDS 03/09134114
- A Global Retreat As Economies Dry Up - WP 03/09134115
- Global financial crisis hits world's poorest hardest - Guardian 03/09134116
- The collapse of manufacturing - Economist 02/09134117
- Crisis 'to trap 53m in poverty' - BBC 02/09134118
- The global financial crisis and developing countries - ODI 12/08134119
- U.S. Taxpayers Risk $9.7 Trillion on Bailout Programs ! 2/09134120
- Banks bailout to cost taxpayer £131bn - Guardian 12/09134121
- The Cost of Saving These Whales (the big banks) - Tikkun 10/09134122
- Life After the Economic Collapse: How Having Less Will Make Us Happier 12/08134123
- The Recession's Winners and Losers - Newsweek 10/09134125
- * News * World news * United States UN investigator accuses US of shameful neglect of homeless - Guardian 11/09134126