Sweat Shops & Child Labor
- Clean Clothes Campaign61646
- Who Made Your Pants? - a campaigning lingerie brand61656
- Love Fashion Hate Sweatshops Campaign (War on Want)61648
- United Students Against Sweatshops61647
- No Sweat (UK) - fighting sweatshop bosses61649
- Slaves to Fashion - poverty and abuse in the new sweatshops61650
- Cargill: The Worst Company In the World - Mighty Earth235370
- The World Counts - Child Labour in Sweatshops311262
- Do Something - 11 facts about sweatshops311268
- Vegan Peace - Sweatshops and Child Labor311274
- Sweat Shop - Wikipedia61644
- Child Labor - Wikipedia61645
- Charles Kernaghan - Wikipedia311281
- Documentary: Made in Bangladesh (Fault Lines, Al Jazeera)61651
- Child labour in the fashion supply chain - Guardian Labs311263
- GOP Assault on Child Labor Laws Under Fresh Scrutiny After 16-Year-Old Dies at Poultry Plant - CD 19.07.23361702
- The one-dollar revolution - Sonnenseite 03.06.23353768
- Iowa Becomes Second GOP-Controlled State This Year to Pass Repeal of Child Labor Protections - CD 05.05.23346412
- Video: New York Times: Biden Admin Ignored Warnings About Migrant Child Labor, Punished Whistleblowers - DN! 19.04.23342495
- 'Heartbreaking and Unconscionable': Biden Admin Ignored Warnings of Migrant Child Labor - CD 18.04.23342522
- Egregious': DOL Finds US Meatpacking Plants Illegally Employed 100+ Children - CD 17.02.23332175
- A look at the life of Charles Kernaghan, who crusaded against sweatshops - IOL 11.06.22311280
- Charles Kernaghan, who crusaded against sweatshops, dies at 74 - Washington Post 08.06.22311275
- American Sweatshops? The Normalization Of Child Labor In The United States - OWP 13.11.21311264
- Child labour in the fashion industry - Shape Charity 19.07.21311267
- Hungry and afraid: life for factory workers meeting UK demand for cheap clothes - Guardian 22.12.20230249
- How Consumers Can Reduce Sweatshop Poverty - Borgen Magazine 27.11.20311286
- Court could end claims Nestle, Cargill abetted child labor - AP Press 02.07.20211755
- Forced Labor and Child Trafficking in India’s Garment Sector - Asia Foundation 20.09.17311276
- The Outrage Of Child Labor In Bangladesh's Sweatshops - Forbes 19.12.16311278
- In Turkish sweatshops, Syrian children sew to survive - Reuters 26.07.16311279
- A look at child labor inside a garment factory in Bangladesh - World Vision 10.06.15311265
- Fashion Faux Pas? Free Trade and Sweatshop Labor in Guatemala - UDW 16.03.1461652
- Bangladesh garment factories still exploiting child labour for UK products - Guardian 06.02.14311290
- Disney factory faces probe into sweatshop suicide claims - Guardian 27.08.11311288
- Young women continue to die locked in sweatshops, labor group warns - Raw Story 3/1161653
- Shame on PRIMARK Publicity Stunt 11/0861654
- Child sweatshop shame threatens Gap's ethical image - Guardian 28.10.07311277
- Gap Under Fire: Reports Allege Child Labor - ABC News 28.10.07311287
- Gap Admits Possible Child Labor Problem - ABC News 28.10.07311289
- Indian ‘Slave’ Children Found Making Low-Cost Clothes Destined for GAP 10/0761655
- Publication: Child Labor Violations and Sweatshops in the U.S. - US OJP, 1990311266