Solutions & Strategies for Addressing Inequality
- EQUALS - The Inequality Podcast201714
- Even It Up - Oxfam 146492
- Book: Wealth and the Wealthy: Exploring and Tackling Inequalities Between Rich and Poor (Karen Rowlingson & Stephen McKay, 2012)146497
- Petition: Tax the rich! (Initiative unterzeichnen) - OXFAM Deutschland 395223
- Book: Joseph Stiglitz: The Great Divide - Unequal Societies & What We Can Do About Them146498
- Book: Chris Oestereich: What do we do about inequality?146502
- Book: Anthony B. Atkinson: Inequality: What Can Be Done? 146503
- Policies to reduce inequality and poverty - Economics Online146504
- Addressing Inequalities Networked Alliance (AINA) 146508
- Guardian - Articles on Inclusive Growth146509
- Who is brave enough to back Brazil’s global tax on billionaires? The answer will define our future - Guardian 31.07.24425899
- World’s billionaires should pay minimum 2% wealth tax, say G20 ministers - Guardian 25.04.24408840
- The Guardian view on inequality and the super-rich: the status quo is unsustainable - Guardian 23.01.24396312
- Video: How to make poor areas richer - Economist 19.01.23326371
- Stepping up the fight against extreme poverty - WorldBank 17.10.22316201
- Publication: Correcting Course - WorldBank 08.10.22 316202
- How taxing the rich can help everyone - Sonnenseite 25.06.22306345
- 'Time to Scrap the Cap': Sanders, Warren Bill Targets Rich to Expand Social Security - Common Dreams 09.06.22291735
- 100+ Ultra-Rich People Warn Fellow Elites: 'It's Taxes or Pitchforks' - CD 19.01.22271161
- Millionaires join non-profits in wealth tax appeal - Business Recorder 19.01.22271975
- 'Can't Afford' Build Back Better? US Billionaires Saw $1 Trillion Wealth Boom in 2021 Alone - Common Dreams 05.01.22269019
- 'In 2022, Let's Tax the Rich': 10 Billionaires Added $402 Billion to Their Fortunes in 2021 - Common Dreams 03.01.22268837
- The Basic Case for a Wealth Tax - Inequality 10.08.20 216799
- A cheap, race-neutral way to close the racial wealth gap - The Atlantic 29.06.20211602
- Leila Janah, Entrepreneur Who Hired the Poor, Dies at 37 - NYT 30.01.20197903
- Five Radical Ideas For Beating Inequality - Social Europe 15.11.17146496
- Journal: Reversing the inequality spiral: Citizens' wealth funds - Lansley, S 13.09.17146510
- Report: Incrementum ad Absurdum: Global Growth, Inequality and Poverty Eradication in a Carbon - Constrained World - World Economic Forum 15 .pdf146513
- To Fight Inequality, Tax Land - Bloomberg 03/15146514
- Eight Ways To Reduce Global Inequality - 02/15146515
- 8 Ways to Fight Global Economic Inequality - Oxfam 02/15146519
- Report of the Commission on Inclusive Prosperity - Center for American Prosperity 01/15146520
- Inclusive growth: how do we include everyone in global prosperity? - Guardian 01/15146521
- Even it Up: Time to end extreme inequality - Oxfam, 10/14146525
- How to take down economic inequality - NEF 16.10.14146526
- The best cure for inequality is an ownership society - Telegraph, 14.10.14146527
- An easier solution to wealth inequality? - Forbes 21.08.14146531
- A Better Way to Fight Inequality - Bloomberg, 16.07.14146532
- Addressing economic inequality at root - NEF Report, 07/14146533
- Towards a Fairer, Stronger Economy - Equality Trust Report, 07/14146537
- If you want to solve wealth inequality, then you can start by giving trade unions their power back - Independent, 04.07.14146538
- How to reduce inequality: lessons for campaigners - Guardian 15.05.14146541
- Only an economic revolution can defuse the global inequality timebomb - Guardian 15.05.14146542
- Robert Reich: 10 ways to close the inequality gap - Salon 13.05.14146543
- How to address inequality - VoxEu 29.04.14146547
- What Would the World Look Like with Piketty's Global Tax on Wealth? - New Republic 26.04.14146548
- Thomas Piketty: Why A Global Wealth Tax Would Help Address Inequality - Social Europe 22.04.14146549
- Is a global wealth tax the key to reducing income inequality? - WP 16.04.14146553
- Taxing, spending, and inequality – what is to be done? - VoxEu, 15.04.14146554
- Working for the Many: Public services fight inequality - Oxfam, 03.04.14146558
- Tax and Spending Ideas to Reduce Inequality - IMF Podcast April 2014146559
- Thomas Piketty: Save capitalism from the capitalists by taxing wealth - FT 23.03.14146560
- Fiscal Policy and Income Inequality - IMF Study 13.03.14146564
- Sound Policy Design: the Efficient Way to Cut Inequality - IMF Paper 13.03.14146565
- Redistribution, Inequality, and Growth - IMF Staff Discussion Paper, Feb 2014146566
- Working for the Few Political capture and economic inequality - Oxfam Report, Jan 2014146570
- Which Policies Reduce Income Inequality? - Project Syndicate 31.12.13146571
- How to End Global Income Inequality - Business Week 09.12.13146572
- Tackling inequality to achieve inclusive growth - The Broker, 06.12.13146576
- Leaving no-one behind: an equity agenda for the post- 2015 goals - ODI, Oct 2013146577
- Sweden's lessons on inequality - Global Post 13.04.13146578
- Synthesis Report on the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities - UNICEF March 2013146582
- Trade & Development Report 2012: Policies for Inclusive and Balanced Growth - UNCTAD146583
- Declining Income Inequality in Brazil: The Proud Outlier - World Bank, April 2012 (p5)146588
- Poverty, inequality and social policies in Brazil, 1995-2009 - ICP-IG, Feb 2012146589
- Reducing income inequality while boosting economic growth: Can it be done? - OECD Feb 2012146590
- TEDx Video: Taxing the Wealthy (Chuck Collins - Institute for Policy Studies) - Nov 2011146594
- Inequality: Why it matters and what can be done - ActionAid, April 2011146595
- Combating Poverty and Inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics - UNRISD, Sept 2010146596
- What we can learn from Scandinavia about equality - New Statesman 07.02.10146600
- Declining Significance of Gender? (Book on successes in reducing gender inequalities)146602
- Generating Equality and Eliminating Poverty, the Swedish Way - National Bureau of Economic Research, Jan 1997146606