Organisations, Think-tanks & Campaigns
- Fight Inequality Alliance143275
- Centre for Global Equality143279
- Oxfam - Work on Inequality143280
- Oxfam - Even It Up Campaign143281
- Oxfam Papers & Reports on Inequality143285
- ActionAid - Inequality143286
- Share the World's Resources143287
- IMF's Work on Income Inequality 143291
- Julius Bär Foundation - wealth inequality307834
- The Journal of Economic Inequality143292
- Overseas Development Institute Work on Inequaltiy143293
- Copenhagen Consensus - Inquality143297
- OECD Work on Income Distribution and Inequality143298
- UNU Wider - Inequality143299
- New Economy Working Group143303
- World Bank - Inequality in Focus Series143304
- Institute for New Economic Thinking - Political Economy of Distribution Series143305
- Initiatives of Change (USA) 280455
- University of Texas - Inequality Project143309
- Cornell University Center for the Study of Inequality143310
- Center for Equitable Growth - University of California Berkeley143311
- Egalitarian World Initiative143315
- EU pretends that Foreign Interference only comes from Russia + #China but nobody interfers as much in the #EU as #US Empire - @Wallacemick 11.06.23356160
- Restoring Trust in the Think Tank Sector - Quincy Inst. 10.05.21316297
- Progressive International Launches 'To Form Common Front' in Global Struggle for Justice and a Better World - CD 11.05.20207849
- @MertekMonitor239166
- ‘Millionaires for Humanity’ Sign On Letter248722
- Millionaires for humanity - Go Beyond Philantrophy248723
- World Economic Council (Internationaler Wirtschaftssenat) - Germany457096