Corporate Espionage on NGOs
- Journalists and NGOs file spyware criminal complaint against Defense Ministry - Mexico News Daily 04.10.22311654
- Declassified spying report reveals covert operations targeting CR17 and NGOs - Business Live 05.07.22 311656
- Microsoft looks to expose espionage groups taking aim at NGOs, US politics - Cyberscoop 29.09.20405171
- Chinese Cyber-Espionage Group Targeted NGOs for Years - Security Week 08.01.20311662
- Bronze president targets NGOs - Secure Works 29.12.19311664
- Intelligence services, journalism and NGOs - Daily Sabah 10.05.18405168
- Uncomfortable bedfellows? NGOs and private security and risk companies - Open Briefing 14.12.17311661
- Leaked Documents Expose How Corporations Use Spies to Subvert People's Movements Worldwide - CD 12/17141174
- Inside the secret world of the corporate spies who infiltrate protests - Guardian 12/17141175
- RBS, British Airways, Porsche, Caterpillar and the private spies - Bureau of Investigative Journalism 12/17141176
- Inside the Corporate Investigations Business - Bureau of Investigative Journalism 12/17141180
- This Fake Nonprofit Has Been Accused Of Spying On Real Human Rights Activists - Forbes 21.12.16311665
- Russian NGO sues state TV over espionage claims - Dem Digest 03.03.16405173
- The Pentagon's missionary spies - Intercept 26.10.15405172
- Matthew Brown: Spying on NGOs a step too far - Index on Censorship 17.08.15311659
- Of governments, NGOs and spying - Daily Maverick 23.06.15311657
- GCHQ 'broke rules' when spying on NGOs - BBC 22.06.15405169
- The Fifth Surveillance: Corporate Spying On Non-Profits - Tech Dirt 11.07.14311663
- GCHQ and NSA targeted charities, Germans, Israeli PM and EU chief - Guardian 20.12.13405170
- Spooky Business: A New Report On Corporate Espionage Against Non-Profits - Corporate Policy 20.11.13141181
- Nestlé found liable over spying on NGO - CNN 30.01.13311660
- Russia: Spy Scandal Highlights Mounting Pressure On NGOs - Radio Free Europe 25.01.06311658