Benefits of having more time
- Four-day week - Wikipedia238725
- OECD Better Life Index - Work-Life Balance238718
- The Muse: 37 tips for a better work-life balance238717
- Work–life balance - Wikipedia238719
- 4 Day Week Global238726
- You Can Do Leisure Better, Seriously - Atlantic 27.03.25463118
- How to get control of your time - Conversation 28.01.25454405
- Why not all plans for a four-day working week would be a win for health - Conversation 28.01.25454403
- The Philosophical Case for a Four-Day Workweek - Jacobin 21.04.24408363
- Dominican Republic to trial four-day work week: Can it work globally? - Al Jazeera 20.01.24394558
- It’s Time for a Four-Day Workweek - Jacobin 19.12.23390340
- 4-day work week trials have been labelled a ‘resounding success’. But 4 big questions need answers - Conversation 23.03.23338429
- Good news for the four-day working week – and wider insights for flexible working - TimeWise 02/23238740
- Work less, live more: is it time to end the five-day week? - Observer 22.01.23326359
- Video: Should We Move To A 4-Day Work Week? - Second Thought 20.01.23328186
- A four day week is crucial to building an economy that respects workers’ wellbeing - LFF 06.01.23323835
- These companies ran an experiment: Pay workers their full salary to work fewer days - NPR 15.11.22315855
- The four day week: Ending a century of economic ‘maladjustment’ - Left Foot Forward 04.09.22303370
- Portugal to test four-day working week - Pressenza 28.05.22288968
- Could a four-day week stop the next recession? - New Statesman 13.05.22287296
- The New Zealander trying to revolutionise the working week: ‘It’s a rational business decision’ - Guardian 12.03.22277240
- Why a four-day week makes sense for businesses and the economy - New Statesman 18.01.22270226
- 'Overwhelming Success': Researchers Praise Iceland's Four-Day Work Week Trials - CD 06.07.21249770
- Spain to launch trial of four-day working week - Guardian 15.03.21238723
- Why it's wrong to look at work-life balance as an achievement - BBC 01.03.21238715
- Tell your boss the four-day week is coming soon - Bloomberg 01.03.21238724
- Enjoy the extra day off! More bosses give 4-day workweek a try - NPR 21.02.21238729
- Benefits and drawbacks of a four-day workweek - The Balance Careers 20.02.21238728
- 'We see huge benefits': firms adopt four-day week in Covid crisis - Guardian 05.01.21238734
- The day is dawning on a four-day work week - Conversation 04.06.20238735
- Will the coronavirus pandemic open the door to a four-day workweek? - Washington Post 24.05.20238737
- Could a 4 day working week help reduce emissions and our carbon footprint? - Greenpeace 21.05.20238738
- Worrying about 'work-life balance' can be a trap. Here's what to try instead - Time 20.02.20238716
- The 4-day workweek: Has its time come? - Forbes 06.02.20238727
- What a 4-day workweek could do to your brain and body - Insider 08.01.20238731
- Work-Life Balance - OECD 2020238722
- Microsoft experimented with a 4-day workweek, and productivity jumped by 40% - Insider 04.11.19238741
- Revealed: the countries with the best work-life balance - WE Forum 08.10.19238721
- The country with the worst work-life balance - how did the UK score? - Express 01.10.19238720
- Give up on work-life balance - Atlantic 30.05.19238714
- Labouring hours: Sweden’s six-hour working day - Global Research Centre for Research on Globalization 22.08.16123830
- Work less, play more – Positive News 5/15123834
- 6 tips for better work-life balance - Forbes 20.10.14238712
- Consider the benefits of the 4 day work week - Forbes 29.09.14238733
- “It’s People Who Have the Time to Do This”: A Banker Speaks on the Democratic Danger of Leisure - Paul Street (Znet)123835