Selected Articles & Analysis
- A sustainable global universal basic income can be done. Here is how - Al Jazeera 15.10.24438404
- Basic income gives money without strings. Here's how people spend it - Scientific American 25.07.24425914
- 16th annual International Basic Income Week - Pressenza 21.09.23373437
- Towards a European basic income - Pressenza 27.07.23363054
- How Universal Basic Income Became the Pessimist’s Utopia - Jacobin 17.05.23346603
- Universal Basic Income as a solution to end poverty - Borgen Project 27.04.23345490
- The ‘time has come’ for a Universal Basic Income says Andy Burnham - Left Foot Forward 17.05.22287302
- Can Guaranteed Income Help Americans Escape Poverty? - Marie Claire 28.07.20277597
- Universal basic income would revolutionise mothers’ lives, whose unpaid work keeps society going - The Canary 21.06.20210851
- Brighton and Hove council is the first to debate trialling Universal Basic Income - Canary 12.05.20207345
- Tucker Carlson Blows Up at Rutger Bregman in Unaired Fox News Interview | NowThis - YouTube 2/19233098
- 10 policies if you think you might want a Universal Basic Income but aren’t sure - Resolution Foundation 30.04.18179957
- Video: Universal Basic Income and Minimum Wages: Progressive or Regressive? - Real News 30.04.18179960
- Want a more equal society? Universal Basic Income might not be the policy you are looking for - Open Democracy UK 27.04.18179961
- UBI: balancing progress and protection - Open Democracy 25.04.18179964
- Weekly Economics Podcast: Universal Basic Income or Universal Basic Services? - New Economics Foundation 04.04.18179965
- Universal Basic Income: Left or Right? - Counterpunch 06.04.18179968
- There are fairer ways to spread prosperity than universal basic income - New Economics Foundation 08.02.18179969
- Survey reveals young people more likely to support universal basic income, but it’s not a left-right thing - The Conversation 17.11.17179972
- Capitalism Has a Problem. Is Free Money the Answer? - New York Times 15.11.17179973
- Universal Basic Income Needed to Break 'Addiction to Economic Growth Killing Us' - Common Dreams 11.08.17179976
- Getting to the heart of Universal Basic Income - Open Democracy 07.06.17179977
- Video: Yanis Varoufakis: Why Universal Basic Income is a Necessity - ZComm 02.05.17179980
- Citizen’s Income: Both Feasible And Useful - Social Europe 10.04.17179981
- The Alternative facts of the Basic Income Movement – Social Europe 16.02.17179984
- Universal basic income is not a magic solution, but it could help millions - Guardian 01/17179985
- Debate: should we be fighting for a universal basic income in Australia? - Guardian 01/17179988
- Universal basic income is becoming an urgent necessity - Guardian 01/17179989
- EU universal income must be 'seriously considered' as rise of robots threatens mass unemployment, say MEPs - Independent 01/17179992
- Basic income is the latest bad political idea that refuses to die - Independent 01/17179993
- The pursuit of happiness: The American cultural case for a universal basic income - Salon 01/17179996
- The Basic Income and Job Guarantee are Complementary, not Opposing Policies - Evonomics 12/16179997
- True Freedom Comes With Basic Income - Medium 11/16180000
- Elon Musk says people should receive a universal income once robots take their jobs - Independent 11/16180001
- Basic Income and the Future of Work - Films for Action 09/16180004
- The Pros and Cons of a Universal Basic Income - INET 08/16180005
- Why Economists Are Coming Out in Favor of Unconditional Basic Income - Yes! Magazine 06/16180008
- State handouts for all? Europe set to pilot universal basic incomes - Guardian 06/16180009
- A universal basic income only makes sense if Americans change how they think about work - Vox 06/16180012
- Video: Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity - Neopolis 04.05.16180013
- One of the World's Richest Countries Is Voting on Whether to Give All Its Citizens $2,500 Per Month - Fortune 05/16180016
- Commentary: Universal Basic Income May Sound Attractive But, If It Occurred, Would Likelier Increase Poverty Than Reduce It - CBPP 05/16180017
- A no-strings basic income? If it works for the royal family, it can work for us all - Guardian 01/16180020
- Scrap benefits system and bring in universal 'citizens wage' basic income for everyone, think-tank recommends - Independent 12/15180021
- How Basic Income Solves Capitalism’s Fundamental Problem - Evonomics 12/15180024
- Dutch city plans to pay citizens a ‘basic income’, and Greens say it could work in the UK - Guardian 12/15180028
- Even in Finland, universal basic income is too good to be true - Guardian 12/15180029
- Keiser Report: Why Not Basic Income? 12/15180032
- Income for All: Two Visions for a New Economy - Dissent 11/15180033
- As tech threatens jobs, we must test a universal basic income - New Scientist 09/15180036
- Why Should We Support the Idea of Universal Basic Income? - Huff Post 06/15180037
- Basic Income Works - YouTube 6/14180040
- How about a 'citizen's income' instead of benefits? - Guardian 04/14180041
- Basic Income - The Movie (english subtitles) 12/13180044
- Why we should give free money to everyone 12/13180045
- A universal income is not such a silly idea - FT 11/13180048