General Info
- Start Unconditional Basic Incomes (UBI) throughout the EU217832
- “Start Unconditional Basic Incomes throughout the EU” - European Citizens’ Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income 2020-21217833
- A brief history of Basic Income Ideas (Unconditional Basic Income Europe)147901
- Basic Income - Wikipedia147902
- Basic Income Reddit Community147903
- Basic Income - Al Jazeera 3/14147904
- Basic Income Studies - Journal147905
- BIEN - Papers and Resources147906
- Interactive model shows basic income’s effect (BIEN Network)147907
- Why Universal Basic Income? - BFB147908
- Our chance to end poverty - Avaaz147909
- List of basic income models - Wikipedia147910
- Video: 10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Have a Guaranteed Livable Income147911
- Video: Income For All! Two Visions of a New Economy147912
- How to Create a Successful Earned-Income Model: Integrating Revenue Generation without Losing Sight of Mission - SSIR 11.12.19193445
- What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Basic Income? - Novara Media 18.06.17147913
- How to make universal basic income a reality – Social Europe 19.10.16147914
- Report: Universal basic income: an idea whose time has come? Reed.H and Lansley.S, Compass 05/16 .pdf147915
- Book: Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy - Van Parijs, P 20.03.17147916
- Book: The Feasibility of Citizen's Income (Malcolm Torry, 2016)147917
- Book: ENOUGH IS PLENTY - Public and Private Policies for the 21st Century - by Anne B. Ryan147918
- Book: Money for Everyone: Why We Need a Citizen's Income (Malcolm Torry, 2013)147919
- Guaranteed Minimum Income - Wikipedia147922
- Why we should give everyone a basic income | Rutger Bregman | TEDxMaastricht147923
- Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the public swindle that is the Private Finance Initiatives, which put the UK £222 billion deeper in debt.147924
- Dividends for All - Peter Barnes147925
- WhyWork? - Creating Livable Alternatives to Wage Slavery - CLAWS147926
- Universal Basic Income: A brief overview of a support for intellig ent economies, quality of life and a caring society - Resilience 4/13147927
- Unconditional basic income: Green Party's Natalie Bennett debates its merits with David Orrell - YouTube 5/14147928
- For and against "Basic Income" (UK) - YouTube 5/14147929
- Grundeinkommen Trailer147930
- Agrarian Justice - Thomas Paine (1797)147931
- YouTube147932