- Power For The People138790
- We Own It 405851
- Campaign for Better Transport (UK)138791
- Twitter - Better Transport138794
- Twitter - @Renationalise138795
- Twitter - @FairFaresNow138796
- Twitter - Bring Back British Rail138799
- The Conversation405763
- Nationalization - Wikipedia405788
- Keir Starmer just flushed away the last chance to renationalise the water industry - Canary 23.10.24437209
- Let Thames Water go bust: It’s time to bring water back into public ownership - LFF 02.04.24406145
- Opinion: Thames Water makes case for renationalisation … now! - Unison 28.03.24405762
- The United Kingdom going from failed energy privatisation to partial renationalisation - TNI 12.10.23405783
- Mathew Lawrence on why privatisation has been a costly failure in Britain - Economist 10.07.23405859
- The government has had to take over yet another railway – and yet it still balks at full nationalisation - Guardian 11.05.23405855
- Renationalise the NHS - Labour 14.03.23405764
- Unite Investigates: Renationalising energy - costs and savings - full report - Unite 02/23405760
- England’s water can be renationalised without compensation, activists say - Guardian 02.12.22405773
- The Future is Public! The Global Reclaiming and Democratization of Public Ownership Beyond the Market - NCBI 27.10.22405782
- Is it time to renationalise the water industry? - The Week 19.08.22405767
- Biggest ever poll shows huge support for nationalisation - We Own It 16.08.22405856
- The case for public ownership of energy has never been stronger - New Statesman 27.07.22405857
- France, Hoping to Weather Energy Crisis, Will Renationalize Electricity Giant - NY Times 06.07.22405785
- Renationalization: What It is, How it Works, Example - Investopedia 26.06.22405768
- UK to renationalise electricity system oversight - FT 06.04.22405765
- Economies of scale show steady rail renationalisation makes sense - University of Huddersfield 02/20405766
- Business won’t be on the side-lines of re-nationalisation debate - CBI Chief Economist - CBI 10.11.19405789
- Report: Renationalisation: Back to the future? - IEA 11/19405852
- Arguments for nationalisation - Economics Help 28.10.19405787
- The cost of renationalisation - The Week 16.10.19405854
- The cost of renationalisation - CBI 14.10.19405853
- The pros and cons of nationalisation - The Week 20.05.19405771
- Report: Nationalisation or privatisation? - Youds, Catherine (2019)405786
- Renationalisation: pros and cons - Utility Week 26.02.18405770
- Publication: Reclaiming public services - TNI 06/17405858
- Would the bosses let us renationalise services and industry? - Socialist Worker 23.05.17405769
- Renationalisation: the Argentine case shows it can be done - Open Democracy 20.03.15405781
- Renationalization is about Politics and Not Economics - CIGI 20.02.15405772
- Advancing Labor Rights Through Renationalization - Faster Capital 405784