- Vision & Strategy - ZNet64056
- The Top 10 Actions ! - Better World Handbook (Archive)64057
- Ways for a Better World - speech by Vijay Mehta (PDF)64058
- Can We Imagine A Better World? - Linkedin 20.05.21268133
- The Handbook to Building a Better World: How to Turn Your Good Intentions into Actions that Make a Difference 3/09 (amazon)64059
- The Handbook - Resources (Archive)64060
- GoodNet - Directory64061
- Brief history of Idealist64062
- Thrive - what on earth will it take? (Film)64063
- Thrive - Top 10 Actions64064
- 2001 Social Responsibility Rankings for Gas Stations - Better World Handbook64065
- Blessed Unrest: How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming - Paul Hawken 5/0764066
- The Humanism (book) - the bright future of humankind64068
- Why do progressive foundations give too little to too many ? (USA) 1/9864069
- Building a Virtual Community rededicated to Right Livelihood64071
- Reports and Pictures from the Grassroots in India ! - Rainer Hoerig64072
- Book: Alternatives to Economic Globalization: A Better World Is Possible - Abe Books 200264073
- Alternatives to Economic Globalization64074
- Supreme Master TV (Formosa) - Entering Golden Era64075
- A Better World is Possible - an invitation to believe and make it happen (Archive 2003)64077
- International Trade in Agriculture - a better world is possible64078