Gender Mainstreaming
- The Beyond Gender Mainstreaming Learning Project - Gender & Development152802
- BRIDGE & Gender Mainstreaming: A Guide for Program Staff152808
- Civicus - Guidelines for gender mainstreaming in project stages250111
- Close The Gap452038
- COE - What is gender mainstreaming?452037
- EIGE - What is gender mainstreaming250108
- Fit for Gender Mainstreaming - Gender Toolbox152803
- Funds For NGOs - How to Access Funds for Gender Mainstreaming Projects452057
- GADN - Gender Mainstreaming152797
- Gender mainstreaming resource pack: A practical programming guide (Trocaire)152805
- Gender Mainstreaming Learning Manual and Information Pack 152807
- HREA: Gender Mainstreaming Online Course152810
- ILO - Gender Mainstreaming152801
- IOM - Gender mainstreaming452053
- OECD - Gender mainstreaming, governance and leadership250109
- SDGF - Gender mainstreaming250110
- UN Women - Gender Mainstreaming152800
- UN Women - Good practice examples250116
- WIEN - The five principles of gender mainstreaming452040
- WHO - Mainstreaming gender in WHO's programmes and actions452041
- Wikipedia - Gender Mainstreaming152809
- Publication: Gender mainstreaming in OECD Economic Surveys - OECD 20.12.24452075
- Op-ed: Gender mainstreaming must take place across all legislation - The Parliament 12.11.24452059
- Webinar: Gender Mainstreaming SDG7 and the Role of Local Communities in the Energy Transition - SE for All 24.07.24452060
- Gender mainstreaming as a tool for achieving inclusive national development - ResearchGate 06/24452086
- Gender mainstreaming at 25 years: Toward an inclusive, collaborative, and structured research agenda - NCBI, 01/24452088
- Why do we need to accelerate the mainstreaming of gender into climate action? - LSE 30.06.23452077
- Beyond gender mainstreaming: transforming humanitarian action, organizations and culture - Springer 22.04.23452089
- Study into gender mainstreaming in projects in the water sector in Mozambique - SIWI, 2023452058
- Gender-mainstreaming, governance, and the environment: an analysis of forest loss - T&F 19.04.22452072
- Why gender mainstreaming is more crucial than ever - UNCTAD 10.03.22452080
- Journal: Contested gender mainstreaming in the European Parliament: political groups and committees as gatekeepers - Bristol University Press, 2022452065
- Gender mainstreaming in practice: lessons from the EU budget - ICAEW 16.06.21250114
- From the inside out: Gender mainstreaming and organizational culture within the aid sector - Frontiers in Sociology, 2021250113
- Publication: Gender Mainstreaming in the Media: The Issue of Professional and Workplace Safety of Women Journalists in Nepal - IGI, 2021452061
- Book: Gender Mainstreaming in Politics, Administration and Development in South Asia - Ishtiaq Jamil and others, 2021452066
- Opinion – It’s time to redefine gender mainstreaming - E-International Relations 14.09.20250112
- Why is gender mainstreaming so vital right now? - Apolitical 10.08.20452079
- Gender Mainstreaming Higher Education: Checklist for Law Schools - COE 2020452067
- Mainstreaming gender in African policymaking: Ensuring no voice is unheard - AFDB 24.11.19452085
- Gender mainstreaming: moving from rhetoric to reality - Bond 07.03.19452081
- Improving gender mainstreaming migration policies and sex-disaggregated data essential to promoting the rights of women migrants - OSCE 20.09.18452082
- Journal: Gender mainstreaming in media and journalism education – an audit of media departments in Uganda, Rwanda and Ethiopia - Intellect Discover 01.09.16452062
- Gender mainstreaming as a tool for women empowerment - Research Gate 07/16250115
- Guidance for reporting on gender and employment, equal pay, and occupational segregation - Close The Gap, 2016452039
- The paradoxes of gender mainstreaming in developing countries: The case of health care in Papua New Guinea - NCBI 01/15452083
- Report: Compilation of good practices to promote an education free from gender stereotypes - Right to Education, COE, 2015452070
- Publication: Guide on gender mainstreaming environmental management projects - UNIDO, 2015452071
- Gender mainstreaming and climate change - Science Direct 12/14452074
- Guidance Note: Gender mainstreaming In development Programming - UN Women 2014152811
- Mainstreaming gender into the policies and the programmes of the institutions ofthe European Union and EU Member States - EIGE, 2013452084
- Report: Mainstreaming Gender Equality: Emerging Evaluation Lessons - OECD 11/11152812
- Gender mainstreaming for health managers: a practical approach - WHO 11.04.11452055
- Journal: Mainstreaming Politics: Gendering Practices and Feminist Theory - JSTOR, 2010452064
- Paper: Gender Mainstreaming: Making It Happen - ICRW 04/06152813
- Journal: Development Effectiveness through Gender Mainstreaming: Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction in South Asia - JSTOR 11/05452087
- Publication: Gender Mainstreaming: Productive Tensions in Theory and Practice - Bristol University, 2005452051
- Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Equality in the New (Market) Economy: An Analysis of Contradictions - Oxford Academic, 2005452076
- Paper: Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview - UN 06/02152814
- Paper: Gender Mainstreaming - ODI 07/01152815
- A Quick Guide to Gender Mainstreaming in Development Planning - OECD 06/99152816
- Paper: The process of institutionalising gender in policy and planning: the ‘web’ of institutionalisation - UCL DPU 03/96152817
- Policy brief: Gender mainstreaming in health: the possibilities and constraints of involving district-level field workers - Malaria Knowledge Programme 452052
- Publication: Gender mainstreaming in practice: A handbook - UNDP 452056
- Power, patriarchy, profit: barriers to gender mainstreaming in media policy - Media Governance452063
- How gender mainstreaming can improve our education system - DBSA452068
- Publication: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit for Teachers and Teacher Educators - UNGEI 452069
- Gender Mainstreaming For Climate and Clean Air Action - CCA452073
- Four reasons why we need gender mainstreaming in migration data - Migration Data Portal 452078
- Why Gender Mainstreaming is Critical for Effective Government Policy - Civil Service College452090