Urban Development in General
- Urban Gateway149378
- World Urban Campaign - Think149379
- Citiscope - Breakthroughs, trends and innovations from cities around the globe149381
- Urban Habitat - World Map of Urban Habitat as Seen by Civil Society149382
- Smart Cities Advisors149383
- Urban Africa149384
- Video: Urban poverty: how should cities grow and function?149385
- Free Online Course: Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities149386
- Free Online Courses: Future Cities - Future Learn 149387
- Free Online Course: Sustainable Urban Development: Discover Advanced Metropolitan Solutions149388
- Habitat III (United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development)149389
- urbanAPI - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)149390
- Urban Development - World Bank Group198493
- Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable - UN News 289062
- Video: UNESCO for Sustainable Cities - UNESCO 289063
- Adapting Cities for Climate Resilience - UN News 289056
- Africa’s urban planners face huge corruption pressures: some answers - The Conversation 24.05.22289049
- General Assembly reviews global progress towards sustainable urbanization - UN News 28.04.22289041
- The Dutch city testing the future of urban life - BBC 05.04.22289042
- IPCC adaptation report ‘a damning indictment of failed global leadership on climate’ - UN News 28.02.22289044
- ‘Tenants have no choice’: Racism in urban planning fuels high rate of Black fire deaths - NBC 12.01.22289046
- Guterres urges cities to embrace ‘generational opportunity’ for climate action, sustainable development - UN News 16.04.21289047
- Why is Egypt building a new capital? - Al Jazeera 05.07.21289055
- Cities Are Sinking Under the Weight of Urban Development - Bloomberg 23.02.21289054
- Online meeting : Strategic Urban Development Action Plan of the Union for the Mediterranean - UNESCO 03.11.20289061
- Cities’ development trajectories - IIED 16.06.20210259
- Examining global trends in the size, growth and distribution of the world's urban population - IIED 09.04.20204766
- Next generation urban planning: Enabling sustainable development at the local level through voluntary local reviews (VLRs) - Brookings 09.02.20289057
- Ministry of Cities RIP: The Sad Story of Brazil's Great Urban Experiment - The Guardian 18.07.19187872
- 'New Urban Agenda,' reform of UN-Habitat take spotlight at high-level General Assembly talks - UN News 05.09.17289059
- HABITAT III: UN conference agrees new urban development agenda creating sustainable, equitable cities for all - UN News 20.10.16289058
- Video: HABITAT III: ‘A human-centred city is a culture-centred space’ says UNESCO report - UN News 18.06.16289064
- At meeting of African Presidents, Ban highlights importance of urban planning as tool for development - UN News 24.09.15289060