Social Protection
- Social Protection Platform159289
- Social Protection & Human Rights Platform159290
- SocialProtection.org159291
- GSDRC - Social Protection Topic Guide159292
- Global Coalition for Social Protection Floors159293
- Inter-American Social Protection Network159294
- Africa Platform for Social Protection159295
- Wikipedia - Social Protection159296
- Wikipedia - Social Protection Floor159297
- The Guardian - Social Protection159298
- World Bank - Social Protection & Labour159299
- ILO - Social Protection159300
- UNICEF - Social Protection159302
- UNDP - Employment & Social Protection159303
- UNESCAP - Inequality & Social Protection159304
- UN Women - Publications on Social Protection159305
- UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food - Social Protection159306
- Asian Development Bank - Social Protection and Labor159307
- SDG Academy Course: Making Universal Social Protection a Reality381647
- Social Protection Index (SPI)159308
- IDS - Centre for Social Protection159309
- Swasti - Social Protection159310
- IFPRI - Social Protection159311
- IPA - Social Protection159312
- ALNAP - Resources on Protection, Human Rights & Security159313
- OPML - Social Protection159314
- Southern African Social Protection Experts Network159315
- Book: Social Protection in Developing Countries: Reforming Systems (Katja Bender et al, eds. 2013)159316
- Book: Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change Goals, Issues and Trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa (James Midgley et al, 2013)159317
- Report: Social protection for food security: A report by The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition - HLPE 06/12159318
- Report: Social protection for development: A review of definitions - EUI 12/10159319
- Social protection: the role of cash transfers - IPC Poverty in Focus 06/06159320
- Paper: Social Protection Concepts And Approaches: Implications For Policy And Practice In International Development - ODI 02/01159321