Projects to alleviate Poverty
- The World Bank Group Scorecard 437248
- Give Well171576
- One Acre Fund171582
- VisionSpring - eyeglasses171583
- Proximity Designs (Myanmar)171584
- Poverty Alleviation Fund Project II456098
- KickStart - the tools to end poverty171587
- ILO - Poverty Alleviation Projects456099
- GiveDirectly - send money directly to people living in extreme poverty171588
- @Give_Directly171592
- Give Directly - Wikipedia171593
- Partnerships for global poverty alleviation - Borgen Project 23.11.23385177
- Anti-Poverty Programs Work, and the Pandemic Is Proof - Jacobin 27.09.22 307282
- GiveDirectly? Not So Fast. - Stanford Social Innovation Review 3/14171594