Right to Food
- What is the Human Right to Food? - NESRI155123
- Human Rights and Food (PDHRE)155124
- FAO - Right to Food Portal155128
- FIAN International - for the right to adequate food155129
- Right to Food & Nutrition Watch155134
- UN OHCHR - Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food155135
- UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food - Reports155136
- Olivier de Schutter (UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, 2008-2014)155140
- UN Human Rights - The Right to Adequate Food Facsheet155141
- UN Committee on Economic and Social Rights - General Comment on the Right to Adequate Food (1999)155142
- Voluntary Guidelines to support the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security (FAO)155145
- Voluntary Right to Food Guidelines + 10: A retrospective (FAO)155146
- CESR - Right to Food155151
- Circle of Rights: Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Activism - A Training Resource: Module 12 - The Right to Adequate Food155152
- Using the Global Strategic Framework for Food Security & Nutrition to Promote & Defend the Right to Food: A Manual for Civil Society Organisations (Via Campesina)155153
- Video: The right to food - An overview by Olivier De Schutter155157
- Video: The Right to Food - A People's Struggle (FIAN)155158
- Video: The Food Exchange - The Right to Food: Reshaping Policies for Development and Public Health 155159
- Video: The Right to Food: A Weapon Against Global Hunger (GDAE Tufts)155163
- Caritas - Right to Food Page155164
- Food Right Now Campaign (Italian)155167
- Humanium - Right to Food for Children155168
- Wikipedia - Right to Food155169
- South Asia Right to Food Conference155173
- Right to Food Campaign (India)155174
- National Network on Right to Food Nepal155175
- Right to Food in South Africa Fact Sheet155179
- Disparity by Design: How Urban Planning and Housing Policy Helped Create 'Food Apartheid' in US Cities - CD 09.03.21237830
- Climate change and the right to food - Al Jazeera 12/15155181
- Defending the Right to Food at the World Trade Organization - Food Tank 12/15155185
- UN rapporteur pushes for legally binding right to food - EurActiv 10/15155186
- Paper: A Common Sense Approach to the Right to Food - IDS 06/15155187
- South Africa: The Fight for the Right to Food - All Africa 03/15155191
- Report: The Right to Adequate Food: Progress, Challenges and Opportunities - Oxfam 10/14155192
- The right to food: 10 years on, are we winning or losing the battle? - Oxfam 10/14155193
- Report: The Right to Food: Past commitment, current obligation, further action for the future: A Ten-Year Retrospective on the Right to Food Guidelines - FAO 09/14155197
- India prepares to guarantee right to food for 800 million people - Guardian 08/13155199
- Book: The Fight for the Right to Food Lessons Learned (Ziegler, J et al, 2011)155180
- The Right to Food - FAO 155203
- Report: The Right to Food Is a Basic Human Right - The Hunger Notes 02/09155204
- Paper: The Right to Food as a Justiciable Right: Challenges and Strategies - MPIL 04/07155205
- Paper: The right to food: Holding global actors accountable under International law - NYU School of Law 11/06155208
- Report: The Right to Food: A Resource Manual for NGOs - FIAN International 06/05155209
- Agroecology and the right to food: An Interview with Olivier de Schutter - Agri-cultures 06/14155210
- The right to food in situations of armed conflict: The legal framework - IRRC 12/01155214
- Brief: The right to food widely acknowledged and poorly protected - IFPRI 1995155216