Food Deserts
- Report: Examining the Impact of Food Deserts on Public Health in Detroit185789
- Policy brief: Current Challenges in Determining the Impact of Food Deserts on Urban childhood Nutrition and Health 185790
- Publication: The Public Health Effects of Food Deserts185791
- HuffPost Blog - Transforming Food Deserts and Swamps to Fight Obesity185792
- Food Empowerment Project Organisation185793
- Five Innovative Solutions From “Food Desert” Activists - Foodtank185794
- Food Deserts in America (Infographic) - Tulane University185795
- The Fight Against Food Deserts - QSR 185796
- Food Desert Heroes Issue - Redbook 2019/04185797
- Civil Eats185798
- Providing affordable, healthy food options in food deserts - USDA185799
- Articel: Moving Beyond “Food Deserts”: Reorienting United States Policies to Reduce Disparities in Diet Quality - NCBI185801
- Blog: How GIS Helps to Overcome Urban Food Deserts185802
- Articles on Food deserts - Conversation 12.01.23185803
- Food Desert - Wikipedia185804
- Food Desert News - NPR185805
- Lesson Plan: Food Deserts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions - Teaching Tolerance 232259
- Rural Hunger and Access to Healthy Food - Rural Health Information Hub185806
- UN food chief: Poorest areas have zero harvests left - BBC 17.06.24418899
- Food Deserts in the United States - AECF 13.02.21246512
- Food Deserts: A Crash Course in Systemic Racism - Komeeda 16.9.20232250
- Video: Why food deserts are still a problem in America - CNBC 20.08.20246511
- Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries - Guardian 15.5.18232251
- After a Decade of Food Access Work, Are People Eating Any Healthier? - Civil Eats 4.6.19232252
- Food Apartheid: The Silent Killer in the Black Community - Atlanta Black Star 16.6.15232253
- What does school have to do with food access? - Komeeda 2.9.20232254
- Redlining and Food Justice in America - Move for Hunger 11.8.20232261
- Food Deserts are Environmental Racism at work - Think Zero 7.7.20232256
- The Food Injustices of COVID19 on Black Communities - WISER 31.3.20232257
- Food apartheid: the root of the problem with America's groceries - Guardian 15.05.18246513
- Spatial Supermarket Redlining and Neighborhood Vulnerability: A Case Study of Hartford, Connecticut - Trans GIS 29.3.16232260
- Neighborhood Disparities in Access to Healthy Foods and Their Effects on Environmental Justice - AM J Public Health 1.9.12232255
- Urban Issues: The Sprawl of Food Deserts - Environmental Health Perspectives 1.8.08232258
- Along With Health Care Disparity, Effects Of Food Deserts Likely Making Coronavirus More Deadly For Black Chicagoans - Book Club Chicago 10.4.20232262
- Why food deserts are still a problem in America - CNBC 20.8.20232263
- Groceries were hard to find for millions. Now it's getting even worse - CNN 9.6.20232264
- What are food deserts, and how do they impact health? - Medical News Today 22.6.20232265
- Food Deserts* - Food Empowerment Project 232266
- Is it time to retire the term “food desert?” - Counter 9.1.20232267