Donors / Philanthropic Foundations - Governance
- American Express Foundation - Encouraging Community Service163478
- Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade - Effective governance163479
- Austrian Development Cooperation - Governance & Human Rights163480
- BMZ (German Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development) - Good Governance163481
- Canadian Department of Global Affairs - Governance163482
- Careth Foundation (USA)163483
- Case Foundation (USA) - Civic Engagement163484
- Charles LĂ©opold Mayer Foundation - Switzerland187806
- Charles Mott Steward Foundation (USA) - Civil Society163485
- DANIDA - Human Rights & Democracy163487
- DFID - Empowerment & Accountability Funding163488
- Flora Family Foundation (USA)163489
- Ford Foundation - Civil Society Strengthening & Accountable Governments163490
- Foundation for the Future (Jordan)163491
- Global Innovation Fund163492
- Global Partnership for Social Accountability - Grantmaking163493
- Inter-American Foundation (USA)163494
- Irish Aid - Governance163495
- JICA - Governance163496
- Korean International Cooperation Agency - Public Administration163498
- Levinson Foundation (USA)163499
- Making All Voices Count163500
- Media Development Investment Fund (USA)163501
- National Endowment for Democracy (USA)163502
- NORAD - Democracy & Good Governance163503
- Partnership for Transparency Fund163504
- Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation (France)163505
- Robert Bosch Stiftung (Germany) - Civil Society and Good Governance163506
- Rockefeller Brother's Foundation (USA) - Democratic Practice163507
- Seattle International Foundation (USA)163508
- Scottish Government - Small Grants Programme163509
- SIDA - Democracy, human rights and freedom of expression163510
- Sigrid Rausing Trust (UK) - Transparency & Accountability163511
- Southern Africa Trust (South Africa)163512
- Swiss Confederation for Development Cooperation - Advocacy and Good Governance163514
- Swiss Confederation for Development Cooperation - State and Economic Reforms163515
- Taiwan Foundation for Democracy163516
- Tinker Foundation (USA)163517
- Trust Africa (Senegal)163518
- Wallace Global Fund163520
- William & Flora Helwett Foundation (USA) - Transparency, Participation and Accountability163521
- W.K. Kellogg Foundation - Community & Civic Engagement163522