Reports / Papers / Studies (General)
- The Resource Curse Revisited (pdf) - Chatham House 08/15165961
- The Anatomy of the Resource Curse:Predatory Investment in Africa’s Extractive Industries - Africa Strategic Studies Center 05/15165962
- Oil Rents, Policy and Social Development - UNRISD 02/15165963
- Equity in Extractives: Stewarding Africa’s natural resources for all - African Progress Panel, Aug 2013165965
- Conflict and Coexistencein the Extractive Industries (pdf) - Chatham House 11/13165966
- Rents to Riches? The Political Economy of Natural Resource–Led Development - World Bank 07/12165967
- Toolkit and Guidance for Preventing and Managing Land and Natural Resources Conflict - UN-EU 06/12165968
- Lost billions: Transfer Pricing in the Extractive Industries (pdf) - Publish What You Pay 01/12165969
- Guide to Free Prior and Informed Consent - Oxfam 08/11165970
- Minerals and Africa’s development: the international study group report on Africa’s mineral regimes - UNECA 05/11165971
- Lifting the Resource Curse: How poor people can and should benefit from the revenues of extractive industries - Oxfam 24.11.09165973
- World Investment Report: Transnational Corporations,Extractive Industries and Development - UNCTAD 12/07165974
- The Role of the Extractive Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity - Harvard 08/07165975
- Transparency and Accountability In Africa’s Extractive Industries: The Role of the Legislature - NDI 05/07165976
- Incentivising Local Economic Development in the Extractive Industries Sector through Transaction Chain Analysis - ODI 01/07165977
- The Political Economy of the Resource Curse: A Literature Survey - IDS 04/06165978
- Resource Extraction Industries in Developing Countries - Semanthic Scholar 01.09.02165979
- The curse of natural resources - European Economic Review 06/01165980