Multilateral Institutions
- UN - Humanitarian and Disaster Relief Assistance164976
- UNISDR (UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction)164977
- UNDAC (United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination)164978
- UNDP - Disaster Risk Recovery164979
- Inter-Agency Standing Committee164980
- UN EPST (Emergency Preparedness & Response Team)164981
- UNOCHA (UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs)164982
- UN-SPIDER - United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response164983
- UNHCR - Emergency Response164984
- WHO - Emergency and Humanitarian Action164985
- World Food Programme - Emergencies164986
- UNESCO - Natural Disaster Risk Reduction164987
- UN Women - Emergency Response164988
- World Bank - Disaster Risk Management164989
- IMF - Humanitarian and Disaster Relief164990