Security Sector Reform
- Security Sector Reform Resource Center162418
- Security Sector Reform Topic Guide - GSDRC162419
- Safety Security & Justice Topic Guide - GSDRC162420
- UN Peacekeeping - Security Sector Reform162423
- ISSAT - International Security Sector Advisory Team162424
- Security Sector Management (Cranfield University)162425
- USIP - Security Sector Reform/Governance162426
- ODI - Justice and security sector reform162427
- ICTJ - Institutional Reform162428
- ASSET - Association for for SSR Education & Training162429
- African Security Sector Network162430
- African Union Policy Framework on SSR162431
- Search for Common Ground - SSG162433
- Saferworld - Security Sector Reform162434
- Enough Project - Security Sector Reform162435
- Wikipedia - Security Sector Reform162436
- DCAF - Centre for Security, Development & Rule of Law162437
- Journal of Security Sector Management162438
- Video: Development Progress – Achieving security progress in post-conflict contexts162439
- Book: Building Security in Post-Conflict States: The Domestic Consequences of Security Sector Reform (Ursula Schroeder & Fairlie Chappuis, 2015)162440
- Book: Security Sector Reform in Southeast Asia From Policy to Practice (Felix Heiduk ed, 2014)162441
- Book: The Politics of Security Sector Reform: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union's Global Role (Greg Simons & Magnus Ekengren 2013)162442
- Book: The Politics of Security Sector Reform: Challenges and Opportunities for the European Union's Global Role (Greg Simons & Magnus Ekengren 2013)162443
- Book: Back to the Roots: Security Sector Reform and Development (Albrecht Schnabel & Vanessa Farr, 2011)162444
- Book (free PDF): The Future of Security Sector Reform (CIGI 2010)162445
- Book (free online pdf): Security sector reform and post-conflict peacebuilding (UNU Press 2005)162446
- Security Governance in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (pdf) - DCAF162447
- Reform and Reconstruction of the Security Sector (pdf) - DCAF162448
- Book: Reform and Reconstruction of the Security Sector (Alan Bryden & Heiner Hänggi, 2004)162449
- Paper: Security Sector Reform, Local Ownership and Community Engagement - Stability Journal 07/14162450
- Brief: Ensuring Long-Term Protection: Justice-Sensitive Security Sector Reform and Displacement - ICTJ 06/13162451
- Report: Gender and Security Sector Reform: Examples from the Ground - DCAF 06/11162453
- Paper: The development-security nexus and security sector reform - University of Westminster 04/11162454
- Report: Securing the Future A Primer on Security Sector Reform in Conflict Countries - USIP 09/08162455
- Report: Gender and Security Sector Reform Toolkit - OSCE 02/08162456
- Report; Handbook on Security System Reform: Supporting Security and Justice - OECD / DAV 02/08162457
- Paper: Security sector reform in Africa: The promise and the practice of a new donor approach - ACCORD 04/08162458
- Report: Security sector reform in developing and transitional countries - Berghof Foundation 07/04162459
- Report: Providing Security for People: Security Sector Reform in Africa - GFN-SSR 2003162460
- Report: Understanding and Supporting Security Sector Reform - DFID 02/02162461
- Report: The challenges of security sector reform - SIPRI 2001162462