Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution
- Statebuilding and peacebuilding topic guide - GSDRC157612
- Intervening in conflict-affected areas - GSDRC Topic Guide 157613
- Global Peacebuilders: Catalogue of Approaches To Peacebuilding - Scribd 157618
- Alliance for Peacebuilding - Systems Approaches to Peacebuilding157621
- Alliance for Peacebuilding - Peacebuilding Evaluation157622
- Design, Monitoring & Evaluation for Peacebuilding157623
- CRS - Peacebuilding Technical Resources157627
- ATHA - Peacebuilding & Stabilization157628
- The Resilience Approach to Peacebuilding: A New Conceptual Framework157631
- Peacebuilding Toolkit for Educators157632
- Conflict Transformation - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157633
- Theories of Conflict and Conflict Resolution - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157636
- Culture, Ethnicity and Conflict - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157637
- Conflict Analysis And Mapping - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157638
- Conflict Resolution and Conflict Management - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157641
- International and Non-International Conflict - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157642
- Gender and Conflict Resolution - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157643
- Dialogue and Deliberation - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157646
- Negotiation - Selected Bibliography (Peacemakers Trust)157647
- Book: Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planning: Toward a Participatory Approach to Human Security (Lisa Schirch, 2013)157648
- Book: The Little Book of Strategic Peacebuilding: A vision and framework for peace with justice (Lisa Shirch, 2005)157651
- Book: A Handbook of International Peacebuilding: Into The Eye Of The Storm (John Paul Lederach & Janice Moomaw Jenner, 2002)157652
- Inclusive peace: how to leave no one behind - Post2015 07/15157653
- Report: The design and architecture of peace processes: lessons learned in the wake of crises - NOREF 04/15157656
- Report: People-to-People Peacebuilding: A Program Guide - USAID 01/11157661
- Paper: Hybrid Peacemaking: Building National “Infrastructures for Peace” - UNDP 2011157662
- Report: Integrating Peacebuilding into Humanitarian and Development Programming - CRS 05/10157665
- Report: Strategic Communication for Peacebuilding a training guide - Search for Common Ground 01/10157666
- Report: Peacebuilding: A Caritas Training Manual - Caritas 03/06157667
- Paper: Designing a peacebuilding infrastructure: taking a systems approach to the prevention of deadly conflict - UN NGLS 2005157670
- Report: Interfaith Peacebuilding Guide - United Religions Initiative 10/04157671
- Paper: A Systems Approach to Peacebuilding - Kalliopeia 1997157672
- @cherylduckworth - Professor of conflict resolution225764
- @LukeshRoberts - Conflict Resolution 225765