Publication Portals
- Peace & Conflict Publishers List157386
- Directory of Journals, Magazines and Newsletters on Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, Human Rights and Development (Peacemakers Trust)157387
- Action on Armed Conflict - Publications157388
- Alliance for Peacebuilding - Publications157392
- Arms Control Association - Resources157393
- BASIC (British American Security Information Council) - Publications157394
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Publications157398
- Center for the Study of Violence & Reconciliation - Publications157399
- CHR Michelsen Institute - Peace & Conflict Publications157400
- CIGI - Global Security Politics Publications157402
- CISAC (Stanford) - Publications157403
- Clingendael (Netherlands Institute of International Relations) - Conflict Research Institute Publications157404
- CMI - Publications & Reports157408
- Conciliation Resources - Resources157409
- Conflict Sensitivity Consortium - Publications157410
- CRISE Network (Centre for Research on Inequality Human Security and Ethnicity) - Publications157414
- Crisis Group - Publications & Reports157415
- Crisis Group - Interactive Presentations157419
- CSIS - Publications on Defense & Security157420
- European Peacebuilding Liaison Office (EPLO) - Publications157425
- GPPAC - Resources157427
- Households in Conflict Research Network - Working Papers157431
- INCORE - Publications157432
- INCORE - Ethnic Conflict Research Digest 157433
- Initiative for Peacebuilding - Publications157437
- Initiative for Peacebuilding Early Warning - Publications157438
- Internal Displacement Monitoring Center - Publications157439
- International Alert - Publications157443
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines - Resources157444
- International Dialogue on Peacebuilding & Statebuilding - Resources157449
- International Institute for Strategic Studies - Publications157451
- International Journal of Peace and Development Studies157455
- International Peace Bureau - Studies157456
- International Peace Institute - Publications157457
- Interpeace - Publications157461
- Institute for Development & Peace - Publications157462
- Institute for Security & Development Policy - Publications157463
- IssueLab - Peace & Conflict157467
- Nonviolent Peaceforce - Publications157468
- NOVACT (International Center on Nonviolent Conflict) - Learning & Resources157469
- OECD - Governance & Peace Publications157473
- Oxford Conflict Research Group - Publications157474
- Oxford Transitional Justice Research (OTJR) - Working papers157477
- PDCI International - Publications157478
- Peacemakers Trust - Resources157479
- Peacemakers Trust - Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding: A Selected Bibliography157483
- Peace & Collaborative Development Network - Resource Guides !157484
- Peace & Conflict Review157485
- Peace & Dialogue Platform !157489
- Peace Brigades International - Publications157490
- Transconflict - Resources157495
- Saferworld - Resources157496
- SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Reearch Institute) - Publications157500
- Stability Journal - International Journal of Security & Development157504
- Statistics of Violence and Peacebuilding in the US and Worldwide - Peace Alliance249054
- Transcend Research Institute157505
- United States Institute for Peace - Publications157506
- UN Office of The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict - Library157510
- UN Peacekeeping - Resources157511
- Relief Web - Peacekeeping & Peacebuilding Topic Guide157512
- World Bank - Fragility, Conflict and Violence Research157516
- International Journal of Peace and Development Studies157517
- Peace & Conflict Review157518