- Conflict, Inequality and Ethnicity Book Series (Palgrave / CRISE Network)157522
- Advocacy in Conflict: Critical Perspectives on Transnational Activism (Alex de Waal 2015)157523
- Handbook of International Security and Development (Paul Jackson, 2015)157527
- Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention (Sverine Autesserre, 2014)157528
- The Fog of Peace (Giandomenico Picco, Gabrielle Rifkind, 2014)157529
- Conflict, Security and Development: An Introduction (Danielle Beswick & Paul Jackson, 2014)157533
- The Locust Effect: Why the End of Poverty Requires the End of Violence (Gary A. Haugen, 2014)157534
- War, Conflict and Human Rights: Theory and practice (Chandra Lekha Sriram et al, 2014)157535
- Conflict Analysis: Understanding Causes, Unlocking Solutions (Matthew Levinger, 2013)157537
- Security and Development: Investing in Peace and Prosperity (Robert Picciotto & Rachel Weaving, 2013)157538
- Approaches to Peace: A Reader in Peace Studies (David P. Barash, 2013)157542
- Security and Development in Global Politics: A Critical Comparison (Joanna Spear & Paul D. Williams, 2012)157543
- Peacebuilding in Divided Communities: Karuna Center's Approach to Peacebuilding (Karuna Centre, 2012)157544
- Peacebuilding and Local Ownership: Post-Conflict Consensus-Building (Timothy Donais 2012)157548
- Making Peace Last: A Toolbox for Sustainable Peacebuilding (Robert Ricigliano, 2012)157549
- Security Studies: An Introduction (Paul D. Williams, 2012)157550
- War Games: The Story of Aid and War in Modern (Linda Polman, 2011)157554
- Contemporary Conflict Resolution (Oliver Ramsbotham et al, 2011 - third edition)157555
- Security and Development (John-Andrew McNeish, 2010)157556
- International Conflict Resolution (Charles Hauss, 2010)157560
- Building Peace: Practical Reflections from the Field (Craig Zelizer, 2009)157561
- Positive Approaches to Peacebuilding (C Sampson, et al, 2009)157562
- Globalization and Challenges to Building Peace (Ashok Swain et al, 2008)157566
- Building a Future on Peace and Justice: Studies on Transitional Justice, Peace and Development (Kai Ambos et al, 2008)157567
- Aiding Peace?: The Role of NGOs in Armed Conflict (Jonathan Goodhand, 2006)157568
- Human Rights and Conflict: Exploring the Links Between Rights, Law, and Peacebuilding (Julie Mertus, 2006)157572
- The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace (John Paul Lederach, 2005)157573
- Understanding Peacekeeping (Alex J. Bellamy et al, 2002)157574
- A Handbook of International Peacebuilding: Into The Eye Of The Storm (John Paul Lederach & Janice Moomaw Jenner, eds. 2002)157578
- Peacebuilding: A Field Guide (Luc Reychler & Thania Paffenholz, 2001)157579
- Global Governance and the New Wars: The Merging of Development and Security (Mark R. Duffield, 2001)157580
- Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace--or War (Mary B. Anderson, 1999)157584
- Building Peace: Sustainable Reconciliation in Divided Societies (John Paul Lederach, 1997)157585