Books & Publications
- Report: FAO policy on gener equality 2020-2030266467
- ILO - Gender and child labour in agriculture257789
- Report: Empowering rural women, powering agriculture - Relief Web266240
- Report: Increasing girls’ access to formal agricultural education in Afghanistan - Brookings 22.12.21266327
- International Day honours rural women’s critical role in feeding the world - UN News 15.10.21258116
- In her name: securing land tenure for women in Zambia - IIED 15.10.21258010
- Food Hero: Cultivating women farmers in Georgia - UN News 10.10.21257496
- Examining the Barriers to Gender Integration in Agriculture, Climate Change, Food Security, and Nutrition Policies: Guatemalan and Honduran Perspectives - Frontiers 30.04.21266459
- The “Gender Agenda” in Agriculture for Development and Its (Lack of) Alignment With Feminist Scholarship - Frontiers 10.02.21266470
- How women-led agribusinesses are boosting nutrition in Africa - Global Issues 24.08.20214840
- Economic Benefits of Empowering Women in Agriculture: Assumptions and Evidence - T&F Online 04.06.20266303
- Book: Women in Agriculture Worldwide - Amber Fletcher, Wendee Kubik, 2020266241
- Report: WFO Policy on Women in Agriculture - WFO 05/19266257
- Cost of Gender Gap in Agricultural Productivity - OHCHR 05/18266471
- Women in agriculture: Four myths - Science Direct 03/18266233
- Women’s Right to Agricultural Land: Removing Legal Barriers for Achieving Gender Equality - Oxfam 07.07.16266461
- Book: The Rise of Women Farmers and Sustainable Agriculture - Carolyn Sachs, Mary Barbercheck and others, 2016266478
- Meaningful Action: Effective approaches to women's economic empowerment in agriculture - Oxfam 10/14155862
- Voices and Flavours from the Earth: Visualising Food Sovereignty in the Andes - IIED 07/13155863
- Women's Collective Action: Unlocking the potential of agricultural markets - Oxfam 03/13155864
- Women in agriculture: Closing the gender gap - Ruth Suseela Meinzen-Dick and Agnes R. Quisumbing, 2013266250
- Women’s Economic Empowerment in Agriculture: Supporting Women Farmers - Women's Economic Roadmap 11/12155867
- Transforming agricultural development and production in Africa Enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty Closing gender gaps and empowering rural women in policy and pra…155868
- Gender, agriculture and food security - UNDP Training Manual 2012155872
- Girls Grow: A Vital force in Rural Economies - Chicago Council 10/11155873
- What Women Farmers Need: A blueprint for action - ActionAid 02/11155874
- Gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employment: Differentiated pathways out of poverty - IFAD 10/10155877
- Promoting women’s leadership in farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations - IFAD 02/10155878
- Gender in Agriculture Sourcebook - World Bank 2009155879
- The Role of Gender in Agricultural Development - CGAIR 1991155882
- Women in Agriculture: What Development Can Do - ICRW 1990155883
- Bridging the Gender Gap in Agricultural Extension - ICRW 1985155884
- Gender in Agriculture - Springer268323