General Info
- Land Rights Now155769
- Land Matrix - Online Public Database on Land Deals155773
- Landmark: Global Platform of Community and Indigenous Lands155774
- Global Map of "Land Grabs" By Country and By Sector155778
- SourceWatch - Global Land Grab Wiki155779
- Land Grabs – The Facts (New Internationalist Infographic)155783
- Global Agriculture: Land Grabbing155784
- Farmlandgrab - the global rush for farmland and peoples struggle against it - eng, esp, fra155788
- Follow the Money to Justice155789
- Our Land Our Business Campaign & Resource Portal155793
- LandPortal - land governance community155794
- Land Portal - Featured Country Portfolios155798
- Who Owns the World's Land? A global baseline of formally recognized indigenous and community land rights (Rights & Resources)155799
- Gender and Land Rights Database (FAO)155803
- CADASTA Platform155804
- Land Grabbing - Wikipedia155808
- Land Rights - Wikipedia155809
- Indigenous Land Rights - Wikipedia155812
- Land Grabs - Oxfam Education155813
- Oxfam UK - A Guide to Land Grabs155817
- Food Crisis and the Global Land Grab155822
- Why indigenous and community land rights matter for everyone (Oxfam)155823
- ODI Topic Guide: Land155827
- IIED - Understanding growing pressures on land: 'Land grabbing' and beyond155828
- Inclusive Development International - Tools155832
- Global Land Tool Network - Land Tools155833
- Coalition for Human Rights in Development - Early Warning System155837
- Territories of Life: A free video toolkit for Indigenous Peoples about land and rights – Intercontinental Cry155838
- Olivier deSchutter - Land Rights155840
- UN Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security155841
- World Bank, UNCTAD, FAO & IFAD Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investment that Respects Rights, Livelihoods and Resources155845
- Circle of Rights: Economic, Social & Cultural Rights Activism - A Training Resource: Module 18 - Land Rights155850
- Contract Farming Resource Center - FAO155851
- International land deals: who is investing and where - get the data (Guardian)155855
- Agrarian Reform - Via Campesina155860
- The State of Food and Agriculture 2012 - FAO155861
- Banking on Hunger - New Internationalist (2011)155865
- Conclusions and Recommendations of the U.N. Experts Seminar on Indigenous Land Rights and Claims (1996)155870
- Documentary: Ethiopia - Land for Sale (People & Power, Al Jazeera)155871
- Documentary: Colombia: The Deadly Fight for Land (People & Power, Al Jazeera)155875
- Documentary: On Our Land155876
- Global land rush Private investors race to grab land in developing countries - Ending Hunger155880
- Brazil : What Does the Landless Movement Want ? - Brazilian Poverty155881
- ICIJ: Explore 10 Years of World Bank Resettlement Data155885
- Gold Rush: How The World Bank Is Financing Environmental Destruction (Huff Post)155886
- Burned Out: World Bank Projects Leave Trail Of Misery Around Globe (Huff Post)155890
- Land and Poverty Conferences (World Bank)155891
- Landgrab - Documentary Movie Trailer 2015155895
- Conference (online video): So-Called Land Grabs in the Global South: Reality and Repercussions? (Wilson Centre)155896
- Liberia : Riot on plantation - 10/15155900
- Stop Landgrabbing - facebook155901
- GRAIN - Barcelona, Catalonia - esp, fra, eng155905
- re act - an international counterweight to corporate power - France - eng , fra155906
- Land Action Thai - thai, eng155910