- World Fertilizer Magazine307106
- Fertilizer Daily307107
- Fertilizers Europe307108
- Science Direct - Organic Fertilizer307229
- Science Direct - Biofertilizer307255
- Science Direct - Overfertilisation307223
- Biofertiliser Certification Scheme307256
- Business Standard - Fertilizers307109
- The Conversation - Fertilizer runoff307237
- European Commission - Sustainable use of nutrients307226
- European Commission - Fertilisers and freshwater quality307241
- Soil Association - The impacts of nitrogen pollution307221
- EPA - The Sources and Solutions: Agriculture307234
- EPA - The Effects: Dead Zones and Harmful Algal Blooms307260
- Ecofi - Benefits of organic-based fertilizers307231
- Google Scholar307110
- Soil Association - The impacts of nitrogen pollution307117
- MIT Climate Portal - Fertilizer and climate change307111
- Farm Carbon Toolkit - Fertiliser Production307115
- Fertilizer - Wikipedia306785
- Organic fertilizer - Wikipedia307228
- Algal bloom - Wikipedia307262
- Biofertilizer - Wikipedia307254
- Yara - Fertilizer life cycle perspective307263
- World Bank - Fertilizer consumption (kilograms per hectare of arable land) - China307214
- The Increasing Problem of Nutrient Runoff on the Coast - American Scientist 307235
- Organic Fertilizers Prove Effective on Tea as Farmers Abandon Synthetic Inputs - IPS 27.03.25462840
- Could This Fundamental Discovery Revolutionise Fertiliser Use in Farming? - ENN 15.01.25451433
- Increasing Nitrogen Fertilization Could Pollute Rivers and Worsen Water Scarcity - ENN 14.02.24399961
- Carbon Emissions From Fertilisers Could Be Reduced By As Much As 80% By 2050 - ENN 13.02.23329651
- A Big Step Toward ‘Green’ Ammonia and a ‘Greener’ Fertilizer - ENN 12.01.23325356
- Fertilisers Cause More Than 2% of Global Emissions - ENN 21.09.22306760
- Report: Greenhouse gas emissions from global production and use of nitrogen synthetic fertilisers in agriculture - Nature 25.08.22307113
- Overfertilization reduces tomato yield under long-term continuous cropping system via regulation of soil microbial community composition - Frontiers 04.08.22307224
- Rethinking synthetic fertilizers: The race- for alternatives is on - Successful Farming 02.08.22307239
- Environmental Implications of Excess Fertilizer and Manure on Water Quality - NDSU 08/22307210
- How to manage the world’s fertilizers to avoid a prolonged food crisis - World Bank 22.07.22307119
- Q&A: What does the world’s reliance on fertilisers mean for climate change? - Carbon Brief 11.07.22307220
- Soaring fertilizer prices are an opportunity for more sustainable farming - Green Biz 30.06.22293337
- Using far less chemical fertiliser still produces high crop yields, study finds - Guardian 27.06.22307213
- Our global food supply is at risk when high gas prices limit the creation of fertiliser - The Guardian 24.06.22294337
- Is Fertilizer Bad for the Environment + 9 Eco Alternatives - Pela 13.06.22307209
- Soaring fertiliser prices force farmers to rethink - BBC 27.05.22307247
- Nitrogen Fertilizer: Solving This Environmental And Humanitarian Crisis - Forbes 12.05.22307218
- Fertilizer prices expected to remain higher for longer - World Bank 11.05.22307266
- Monopoly Pricing Power and Fertilizer Prices - Farm Doc Daily 13.04.22307242
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is pushing the world to find a new, greener recipe for fertilizer - Fortune 12.04.22307252
- Skyrocketing fertilizer prices gouge farmer profits; Groups blame consolidation - Successful Farming 15.03.22307244
- Fertilizers are necessary - and only as evil as we let them be - Climate Reality Project 11.02.22307207
- Climate Change Is Intensifying the Effects of Fertilizer Runoff - Modern Farmer 22.12.21307236
- New research shows 50 year binge on chemical fertilisers must end to address the climate crisis - Grain 01.11.21266335
- Report: Fertilizer responsible for more than 20 percent of total agricultural emissions - The Fern 01.11.21307112
- Environmental impact of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilisers in high rainfall areas of Western Australia - Australia Gov 26.10.21307212
- Nitrogen: The environmental crisis you haven’t heard of yet - Mongabay 22.09.21307219
- Overview of Fertilizer Regulations in China - CIRS 15.09.21307216
- Can we reduce fertilizer use without sacrificing food production? - Our World in Data 09.09.21307211
- Excess fertilizer use: Which countries cause environmental damage by overapplying fertilizers? - Our World in Data 07.09.21307116
- Spain bans fertilisers near saltwater lagoon after dead fish wash up - Guardian 01.09.21254175
- Agriculture goes green – New bio-fertilisers to make farming more sustainable - B-Ferst 15.07.21307227
- Fertilizer Runoff Creates Connecticut-Sized ‘Dead Zone’ in Gulf - Bloomberg 03.06.21307238
- Understanding the Impacts of Synthetic Nitrogen on Air and Water Quality Using Integrated Models - EPA 22.03.21307222
- Rethinking Crop Nutrition in Times of Modern Microbiology: Innovative Biofertilizer Technologies - Frontiers 02/21307253
- Fertilizers: challenges and solutions - UNEP 09.11.20307118
- The fertilizer solution has become a major climate problem - Anthropocene 09.10.20307114
- How Fertilizer Is Making Climate Change Worse - Bloomberg 10.09.20307264
- Plant protein discovery could reduce need for fertiliser - ENN 04.09.20215734
- Synthetic fertilizers are heating the planet. But there's an alternative - Ecowatch 23.08.20214687
- Intercropping increases agricultural yield while reducing the use of fertilisers - ENN 11.06.20209866
- Technique could enable cheaper fertilizer production - ENN 05.05.20206759
- Reducing reliance on nitrogen fertilisers with biological nitrogen fixation - American Phytopathological Society 26.03.20203494
- A common fertilizer can cause explosions. Uneven regulation puts people at risk - Public Integrity 29.01.20307248
- Bio-organic fertilizer with reduced rates of chemical fertilization improves soil fertility and enhances tomato yield and quality - Nature 13.01.20307232
- Nitrogen fertilizers are incredibly efficient, but they make climate change a lot worse - Phys 19.11.19307217
- Alternative Fertilizers and Sustainable Agriculture - Springer Link 30.10.19307240
- Yara: Poisoning our soils, burning our planet - Corporate Europe 17.09.19307267
- Yara: The fertiliser giant causing climate catastrophe - Corporate Watch 06.09.19307265
- The Principal Role of Organic Fertilizer on Soil Properties and Agricultural Productivity - A Review - Juniper Publishers 09.08.19307230
- Over-fertilisation reduces crop yields - European Scientist 18.03.19307225
- Greenpeace calls for ban on chemical nitrogen fertiliser - Greenpeace 14.11.18307251
- China cut fertilizer use and still increased crop yields. This is how they did it - WEF 26.03.18307215
- What Are Algal Blooms and Why Do They Matter? - IISD 13.12.17307259
- Why It’s Time to Stop Punishing Our Soils with Fertilizers - Yale Environment 03.05.17307208
- Effects of fertilizers used in agricultural fields on algal blooms - Research Gate 04/17307261
- Monsanto’s Evil Twin: Disturbing Facts About the Fertilizer Industry - OCA 05.04.16307246
- Fertilizer companies will not allow meaningful action in agriculture during COP 21: report - Down to Earth 01.10.15307249
- The Exxons of agriculture - Grain 30.09.15307250
- Break agriculture’s chemical monopolies to free our food - Conversation 06.01.14307245
- Fertilizers contribute to toxic algal blooms - The Organic Center 13.12.13307258
- The Fertilizer Oligopoly: The Case for Global Antitrust - AAI 04.10.13307243
- Fertilizer Runoff Overwhelms Streams and Rivers--Creating Vast "Dead Zones" - Scientific American 14.03.08307233