Reports, Papers & Studies
- Financing Human Development in Africa, Asia and the Middle East - UN 11/13170090
- ‘Successful’ Development Models in the MENA Region - UNU Wider 2012170093
- Human Development in the Middle East and North Africa - Brookings 11/10170095
- Gender and Development in the Middle East and North Africa - World Bank 2004170099
- Empowering Women, Developing Society: Female Education in the Middle East and North Africa - PRB 2003170100
- Challenges of Growth and Globalization in the Middle East and North Africa - IMF 2003170101
- Social Movements, Activism and Social Development in the Middle East - UNRISD 01/00170104
- Sudan Food Security Outlook Update - Famine Early Warning System Network 30.08.22302955
- UNHCR MENA Mid-Year Regional Cash Assistance Update (January - June 2022) - UNHCR 30.08.22302960
- Crisis in Lebanon: Trócaire is supporting partner agencies throughout the country to respond as rapidly and comprehensively as possible to the increasing needs - Trócaire 15…438804
- 2024 Yemen Humanitarian Needs and Respons - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 21.01.25451765