- Book: Political and Socio-Economic Change in the Middle East and North Africa: Gender Perspectives and Survival Strategies - Amazon 2016170067
- Economic Development in the Middle East and North Africa Challenges and Prospects (Ben Ali, Mohamed Sami (Eds.), 2016)170071
- A Political Economy of the Middle East (Melani Cammett et al, eds. 2015)170072
- The Political Economy of Arab Food Sovereignty (Jane Harrigan, 2014)170076
- Social Movements, Mobilization, and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa: Second Edition (Joel Beinin & Frédéric Vairel, 2013)170077
- The New Middle East: Protest and Revolution in the Arab World (Fawaz A. Gerges, 2013)170078
- State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East (Roger Owen, 2013)170082
- Economic Development in the Middle East (Rodney Wilson, 2012)170083
- Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East (Clement Moore Henry, Robert Springborg, 2010)170084
- Economic Performance in the Middle East and North Africa: Institutions, Corruption and Reform (Serdar Sayan, 2009)170088
- The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology (Fred Halliday, 2005)170089